chapter 5 - only thoughts remain

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Kanade finished talking with her father when she walked back into Mizuki's room.

"Kanade, you're back!" Mizuki smiled. "I still know a whole lot about magical girls, so I think there's a way to have Mafuyu and Ena remember you."

Kanade smiled at that. "What is it?"

Mizuki stopped for a second. "Well, there is a way that you can go back in time to when Mafuyu died, or before she died." Mizuki smiled.

"That's good! I can tell Mafuyu that we can fight the witch together!" Kanade smiled back at them.

"Hehe, you always know to call me! By the way, I think there's a way for me to come with you. But I would have to completely change my identity..." Mizuki looked to the side. Their hair was a long pink, with a ponytail and a red bow.

I'm glad Mizuki didn't get brainwashed by my wish. Kanade thought deeply.

"Well, are you better now?" Kanade asked Mizuki. "Oh yeah, I'm fine! When you were visiting your dad the nurses said I could go at any time."

Kanade smiled determinedly. "Well, let's go somewhere nobody can find or see us so we can go." Mizuki nodded and they ran out of the hospital.

Behind the hospital, Kanade brought out her time manipulation shield.

"Okay. Grab my hand, Mizuki." Manage stared at them.

Mizuki held her hand, and Kanade set it to the time before Mafuyu died.

"Wait!" Kanade called.

"What is it?!" Mizuki asked. Kanade sighed. "Will my past self be there?" She asked firmly.

"No, it won't. It's like you're restarting the month again but it's farther past, so no, your past self will not be there." Mizuki held her hand firmly again.

Kanade nodded. "Alright, then let's go."

When Kanade reversed time, they were at the spot Mizuki died.

"Did you go farther back than you should've?" Mizuki asked.

"No, I was investigating your death here, and then Mafuyu found me here and brought me to the labyrinth." Kanade stared around.

Soon after the two were looking around, Kanade lifted her head and turned to Mizuki.

"Wait. Since we went back in time, do you think you would have your magical girl powers?" Kanade asked.

Mizuki shook their head, then looked down at their fingers. "Yeah, no trace of my soul gem." Mizuki took their hand away from their face and turned to the entrance, to see Mafuyu there.

Somehow, Mizuki was able to think with their mind to communicate with Kanade.

Wait, Mizuki. Do you think Mafuyu knows you died or did you not know? Kanade telepathically asked Mizuki.

Not sure. I mean, we will find out anyway. Mizuki turned to look at Mafuyu.

"Ah, Mizuki, you're alive!" Mafuyu smiled a bit.

Kanade nodded. "I'm guessing it didn't kill them, I found them here while investigating Mizuki's death."

"That's good. Well, do you two wanna fight a witch with me?" Mafuyu asked.

"Oh, sure! But I can't fight because of wounds..." Mizuki lied.

"Oh, it's probably from the witch. Well, you can come too." Mafuyu led the two with her toward a witch.

"So it's here?" Kanade jumped in when Mizuki asked that sentence.

"Yes. I'm guessing Kanade made her wish last night, so let's go in." Mafuyu jumped in next, and after her was Mizuki.

"Over here, the egg!" Kanade called to them.

This time Kanade didn't think it was bright due to experience.

"Yes, right over there--"

"Stop right there!" Someone yelled. Mafuyu, Kanade, and Mizuki turned to see a magical girl with green hair, and another one with light blue.

The two walked up to them, and the one with green hair put her arm on Mafuyu's chest firmly.

"You have a non-magical girl with you." She said sternly.

Mafuyu sighed. "It wasn't my idea, plus she is a magical girl! Kanade, come show her your finger."

Kanade showed the green-haired and light blue-haired girl her finger, showing her soul gem.

"No, not you." One whispered.

"The one right there." The green-haired magical girl pointed to Mizuki.

"Nene, why me?! It was lucky I survived the witch, but I lost my soul gem after!" Mizuki sighed.

Nene took her arm off Mafuyu and turned to Mizuki.

"Then why are you here?" She asked.

The other girl went to the witch quickly when nobody noticed her.

"Therefore, if you have a non-magical girl with you, the witch is not yours." Nene stared.

"We were here first! It's like finders keepers!" Mizuki conflicted, taking a step and moving their arms like they were in a court conflict.

"Sorry, this witch is ours now." Nene caught the grief seed thrown by the other girl, as the labyrinth faded out.

"Good work, Shizuku." Nene smiled.

As the two were about to walk away, Kanade called out to them.

"Nene! Shizuku! Wait!"

Nene stopped in her tracks. "What do you want?"

"We should team up, what if a giant witch that needs more than two magical girls to kill comes!?" Kanade yelled.

Nene held her laughter for a second. "Pfft... Hahaha!" She burst down laughing.

"Do you really think we would?" She yelled.

"We need more magical girls to fight!" Kanade argued.

Nene scoffed and left with a little chuckle.

"Honestly, what is her problem?!" Mizuki was outraged by those two.

At least Mafuyu didn't waste any magical girl power. That's a good thing. Kanade telepathically spoke in Mizuki's mind.

Yeah, I'm kinda glad Nene and Shizuku came to visit us, but they are just stupid! Mizuki sighed.

Kyubey was wrong, he said I couldn't do this. Kanade looked around. Did he trick me, you think?

Mizuki thought for a moment. When I was still alive, I researched and researched on magical girls and soul gems. One of my abilities was pretty much knowing a bunch about this.

Kanade nodded and Mizuki. "Well, Mafuyu, me and Mizuki are going home. Good night!" Kanade waved at Mafuyu and the two directed to Kanade's house.

note: yes i took a turn to NOT make this full of madoka magica references............

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