I Lost My Faith

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Jesy knew she was thinking too hard about it.

Perrie didn't smile at her like an idiot or laugh harder and louder than usual just because Jesy said or did something. She didn't look at her with heart eyes or grab her hand in public because of Jesy. It was because they were friends.


That was it.

Nothing more.

Perrie's actions were simply due to their friendship of almost eight years. That was the only logical explanation. Right? Yes. She could answer her own question.

But, that wasn't the real question. It was never the real question.

The real question was if Jesy was lying to herself or not. If she was telling herself that Perrie did all of these things because of their friendship. That their friendship put Perrie in a comfortable place where she could show affection towards Jesy without being judged.

It wasn't like Jesy judged her. She never would. It was just that Perrie had slowly gotten more affectionate, and at times, it seemed to be on purpose.

Maybe it was the way she let her lips graze Jesy's neck. The way she brushed the brunette's hair back when it got in her face if she was trying to do something. The way she wanted to constantly be near Jesy.

The way she looked at the older woman as if she was the only thing that mattered. As if she would do anything and everything for her.

Those were just a few of the things that made Jesy wonder if Perrie felt something towards her that wasn't friendly.

If Perrie had developed... feelings.

Jesy snorted at the idea that Perrie of all people would feel that way about her, Jade and Leigh-Anne looking up from their phones with intrigued expressions. Perrie smiled softly, Jade speaking up after a second, "What's so funny?"


Leigh held back a loud laugh at Jesy's obvious confusion, Jade rolling her eyes, "You always do that when you zone out."

For a split second, Jesy's eyes flickered to Perrie, Jade noticing the quick movement. Her body froze, the Geordie's eyes widening before she suddenly grabbed Leigh-Anne's phone and shot out of the room. "Jade, I need that! Give it back!"

Leigh groaned before running after her, Jesy internally panicking when she realized that Jade knew the reason why Jesy had become distracted. Then it hit her that Jade taking Leigh-Anne's phone and getting her out of the room had simply been the younger woman's way of telling Jesy that she supported her. It was Jade's way of trying to help her make a move.

Of course, Jesy wouldn't do that. What kind of idiotic person-

"Jes?" The word was softly spoken to her, Jesy realizing that Perrie had moved to sit beside her, the blonde's brows furrowed.

She looked worried, but deeply concerned might have checked the box as well.

Seeing Perrie look at her with such distress made Jesy want to comfort her. It made the older woman want to hold her tightly until she was her bubbly self again.

Until she was Pezza again.

Until she was her Pezza again.

"Jesy." This time, it was a statement, and Jesy came to the conclusion that she did it again.

She had let herself drift away from reality and think about the woman sitting beside her that appeared to be half-scared to death.

"'M sorry," the brunette murmured, Perrie shaking her head and grabbing Jesy's hand carefully as she intertwined their fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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