Chapter 15

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Three months after everything happened, our lives slowly fell back into place.

Sam was sentenced to prison for 10 years, after which he would get a restraining order and wouldn't be allowed anywhere near Mitch and I's new house or  the Beverly Hills mansion he moved out of, where Scott, Alex and the other boys continued to live in. The court trials and stuff ended without much hassle since there was enough evidence against Sam, and the fans fortunately never found out.

Mitch and I were closer than ever. We were finally living together, I would be graduating soon too. I had been going to see a therapist for the past couple of months and she had really helped me get over my fears and past memories. Mitch had seen a therapist too, but he didn't need as many sessions since he wasn't traumatized by the experience, just really angry and worried about me. We spent Christmas with Mitch's family in Arlington. His parents, sister and brother-in-law were the nicest people I had ever met, and his niece and nephew were absolutely adorable. Mike and Nel had become like parents to me and I was so happy they accepted me as part of their family. I finally felt complete, like I finally had the happy family that I didn't when I was growing up.

My life was finally going perfectly again.


"Mitch, we've been in the car for hours! Can you please tell me where we are going?"

"Okay, calm down!" he said dramatically. "First of all, I've been driving for 20 minutes tops, so chill. And if I tell you where we're going, it won't be a surprise now will it?"

"Fine." I crossed my arms in front of me and leaned back on my seat with a huff.

He chuckled. "Relax, babe." I felt his hand rub my knee comfortingly. "We're almost there."

"Can I at least take this stupid blindfold off? Please?" I pouted. He usually gave in when I did that.

"Nope. That trick isn't gonna work this time." I could imagine the smug smile on his face and felt a little annoyed. He must have had something really big planned for our date if that didn't work.

He managed to get me to sing along to cheesy love songs on the radio to pass the time, and about five minutes later I felt the car pull into a parking space.

"We're here, honey."

He got out of the car and came over to the passenger side to help me out. He guided me somewhere, walking slowly so I didn't trip on the uneven ground and fall. It felt like we were walking on a grassy field or garden of some sort.

Soon, I heard soft dance music playing in the distance, and it gradually got louder as we walked towards the source. I could also hear the faint chatter of people talking around us. Mitch stopped me soon after I felt us step onto a more solid path. He slowly undid the blindfold and took it off. I let my eyes adapt to the sudden brightness, then my jaw dropped.

We were standing outside a gorgeous villa that towered over us on higher ground. It was a double-story, cottage style building that had a quaint little restaurant on the ground floor and a lounge on the upper floor. The light yellow brick walls were covered with ivy, and there were many vintage lights and windows along it. There were a few couples of all ages walking around, enjoying their romantic evening.

We were in the middle of a giant brick-laid circle, which probably served as a dance floor considering there was a mini stage at one side. Beside the stage was a large magnolia tree and stairs leading up to the villa. Opposite the stage was a pergola decorated with bower vine and orchids, and a few picnic tables under it. There was a small stone wall overlooking a wide field below, and I could see some people riding horses in the distance. The whole area was simply and beautifully landscaped with a few rose bushes, hydrangeas, lilacs and petunias, and there was even a small lily pond in a corner with a weeping willow next to it. And despite all of this, the place didn't look overdone or cheesy at all. It had such a romantic atmosphere that it was almost too perfect to be true.

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