Fire whiskey by the fireplace (wolfstar)

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It was 3 o'clock on a Monday morning, and Remus had woken up to the site of Sirius' empty bed. He walked downstairs into the common room and saw his favorite boy sitting by the fireplace, Sirius was sitting with his back against the sofa, one leg, stretched out in front of him, and the other pressed up against his chest, his loose hair sticking to his face.
As a Remus approached him, he realized Sirius was holding an empty bottle of fire whiskey, with two others beside him.

"Oh Sirius, what have you done?"
Remus said as he picked up the empty bottles.
" you're 16! You shouldn't be drinking like this!"

Sirius shouted across the common room.

"Oh my god you're absolutely pissed."

" no, I am not" Sirius slurred back.
"And may I remind you" hiccup "that you are not my mother"

" I know I'm not your mother I'm just acting like any responsible person would do to find their friend almost passed out, drunk in front of the fireplace on a school night"

" I am not almost passed out drunk,
look, watch me I'll show you I can walk in a straight lime!"

"Lime?Don't you mean line?"

"Yeah that's what I said, lime."
"Ughhhhh bugger off, come on brain, you can do this"
"Ok final try...... line"
"Hahaha suck it moony"

"Ill suck it when you walk in a straight line."

The drunk boy got up with heavy support on the sofa. He stood up, took a bow and set at least two steps before swaying and falling over.
Remus had assumed that he was just defeated enough to not get up and walk. To his surprise when he walked over he found Sirius passed out on the floor.

Remus prodded his forehead and said his name many times.
At last the boy, that reeked of alcohol stood up and flopped onto the sofa.

" now" said Remus firmly " are you gonna tell me why you're in such a state"

Sirius explained all about how he had woken up in the middle of the night, shaking for a nightmare, and how he made his way downstairs he didn't know what to do, but he could remember that stuffed under the sofa where three bottles of fire whiskey, from the last birthday party held in the common room.

"And then I just couldn't stop drinking it"

"Oh Sirius, why didn't you just wake me up?"

"I don't know, I guess I didn't want to bother you." Remus could see the tears sparkling in his eyes,

"I'll always be there when you need me."

This broke Sirius, he let out a number of strangled sobs, and then buried his head in remus' collarbone.

Remus didn't know what came over him. Maybe it was all the emotion in the room, but he couldn't help himself. Suddenly he found himself grabbing Sirius by the cheeks with both hands, and pulling him closer to his lips.

They spent the rest of the morning, snuggling together on the sofa, till it was time to go upstairs, freshen up, get changed, and head down for breakfast.

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