Our town

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Dream and his friend Sapnap are protecting the whole town

They are known as the strongest knights in the town

Dream loves this place, the people here are nice and welcoming but there are also some awful people

There is a king and they all have to do what he says

King Eret isn't supposed to be the king but he got his way somehow

The town isn't so big so everyone knows everyone

Dream, Sapnap, Punz, Awesamdude, Purpled and many other guys are the knights in unbreakable armor

There is also Karl, Ranboo, Nihachu, Callahan, Badboyhalo, Skeppy they are the peaceful people in the town

But there also is Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Quackity and Jschlatt they aren't so nice

They've made a lot of trouble in this town

Jschlatt is currently in jail cause of the millionth felony

Others are still free cause no one has enough proof for them to be arrested

There is a rumor around this town that there used to be some kind of a guy that could control the nature or something

Everyone hated him for his mysteriousness

Everyone says he held some kind of dark energy

Dream isn't sure if all this is true cause he never personally met him

The mysterious guy was threatened by the entire town so he left, everyone feels much safer without him and his magic

But everyone is still kind of scared that he might return for revenge

Dreams pov:

"There is no way he was actually controlling the plants" Sapnap exclaims

"Whatever I'm glad he's out of this town" Punz says as we are on our duty walking around the town

"Did you actually see him?" I ask Punz

"Yeah i even talked to him once, he was such a weirdo I don't even remember what he asked me..."

"Do you remember how he looked" i ask out of curiosity

"Just a regular dude, brown hair brown eyes nothing special"

"What was his name?" I continue asking

What if he actually was real and he actually did have superpowers

"Jeez Dream why are you even asking this?" Sapnap laughs

"Im just curious" i reply

"His name was...hmm i don't remember" Punz says

"Im sure Karl knows, they were friends or something, Karl is also kinda weird-" Punz gets cut off

"Hey!" Sapnap yells with anger in his eyes

Sapnap and Karl have some history, they used to be close friends or something

We walk around for another 10 minutes and i spot Karl watering his garden

"Hey Karl!" I say

"Hii Dream!"

Karl is a very nice guy, he always takes care of animals and plants

He is also very polite and friendly

"Do you remember a guy that went missing...the magic guy?" I ask

Karls eyes widen and he looks around

He pulls me into his house and shuts all the windows and doors

"We don't talk about him.." he seriously says

Karl usually isn't so serious but right now he is the most serious I've ever seen

"But why-"

"We. Don't. Talk. About. Him." He repeats

"Come on, i never got to know him, I'm so invested" i say

Karl takes a big breath and looks around

"Okay fine, but don't tell anyone i ever told you anything, understand?" He whispers closely to my face

"Understand" i reply and we sit down in the dining room

We sit across each other, the table is dark oak, everything in this room is dark oak

The room is really dark and the energy isn't so welcoming

"So tell me about him..." I finally spot out after the long silence

"Well..he wasn't so normal...he could do things no one else could...he could..control everything around him..." he slowly says taking big breaths between sentences

I carefully listen to him

"People say he could only control nature...but they are wrong...he has some kind of ability..i don't even know how to explain it...he just had these powers and these energies coming out of him...when you are in a room with him the air immediately feels wrong..you get scared and uncomfortable...everyone was scared of him even though he never did anything wrong or scary...he actually was kinda scared and innocent, many people would disagree with me but I don't think he would bring any danger" Karl says with the most stone cold face

"What made everyone think he was dangerous?" I ask Karl

"He had telekinesis or something, so he threw Tommy in the air..i know it sounds unreal but i witnessed it and many other people too, everyone got scared of him and he got scared of himself too"

I listen to Karl, i wonder where that guy is now

"His name was George, the town gave him a nickname: George Not Found..."

George..such a familiar name

"How did you not know him? After the incident everything everyone talked about was George"

"I moved here a year ago" i say

"Ohh.. I don't think George was evil..all he ever did was bring dead animals and plants back to life" Karl says with an upset look

He doesn't sound scary or evil to me, but I'm sure he's capable of horrible things

"I have to go" Karl says and stand up

"Yeah me too, thank you so much" i say and leave his house

900 words

This is like the Dream smp but a little different

This is not like the lore, its a different story just the same characters

This is my 4th book, you can check out my other works they are also dnf lmao

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