One-Shot Twenty-Eight: Books, Books, Books!

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Thursday 9:02 PM

Joe groaned softly as he trailed behind Taylor, who ran around the great big bookstore, jumping and squealing like a bloody toddler.

Now, don't get him wrong, he loves his girlfriend. A lot. It's just... it's moments and hours—in this case—that just very slightly make him wish he hadn't been in love with a bookworm. Because as of now, they have been in the same damn bookstore for two whole hours. He wasn't sure why Taylor hadn't made him carry all these books around, but he has been getting books for her, from the top shelves.

"Oh, Joe, do you think we've enough space at home?" Taylor asked as Joe reached up for A House Like A Lotus by a Madeleine L'Engle.

Joe handed it to Taylor, then she said, "Okay, this next book's the last one, I swear."

Taylor had so many books in her basket by now, and the ones Joe could remember getting were He's Into Her by... he doesn't remember. Yet another copy of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen—Taylor had at least five at home. The Crimes of Grindelwald by J.K. Rowling. Dragons in the Waters by Madeleine L'Engle. And... a book by Anthony Horowitz.

Those are just the books he reached for. Not the books Taylor picked up by herself.

Taylor put The Grooming of Alice into her basket, then walked to the counter.

The cashier smiled at her, then scanned all the books while Taylor turned to Joe.

"Should I buy a new bookshelf for our room?"

"Buy two new ones," Joe joked.

Taylor's total ended up being in the thousands, yet she didn't hesitate to swipe her card.

"Have a nice day!" the cashier said, handing Taylor her very long receipt.

The bookstore was near Taylor's apartment, so they had walked. The thing is, Taylor only planned to buy a paperback book or two. Not sixteen hardbounds and four paperbacks. Plus, they were all quite thick.

"Taylor, darling, I love you, but how many books did you need?" Joe's arms were starting to ache. He was carrying eight hardbounds and two paperbacks, same as Taylor.

"Oh, don't be such a wuss, love," Taylor scoffed. She made it look like the pile of books she held was but a few feathers.

"I—" Joe was cut off as he finally spotted Taylor's building.

"Come on,"

Joe sighed as he put the books down suddenly on the hardwood floor.

"Hey! I swear, Joe, if one of the covers become scratched, I will murder you." Taylor scolded him, carefully picking the pile up and hauling them to the bedroom.

Joe stared in disbelief. Sometimes he wondered if Taylor loved those books more than she loved him.

I am taking requestsss <3333

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