Chapter 2

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Inside it was dark and Charlie found it hard to tell which way he was going. Luckily though, as the boy walked carefully through the darkness, he started to see a faint blue glow in the distance. Frightened, and curious, Charlie walked slowly towards the light, wondering where it was coming from. The closer he got, the brighter the light became until finally, he had arrived at what looked like a cave. Looking at the ground the boy saw that he had been walking on rock pavement. "Where was he?'' the boy wondered. Scanning the area, Charlie suddenly found a sign that read the Crystal Caves in black letters and beautiful crystals on the outside. Proceeding on through the cave Charlie looked around, mesmerized by the amazing translucent blue lighting that lit up this underground wonder. Along the right and left sides, the walls stood beautiful crystals that were arranged in different sizes and were either a cool emerald green color or just the normal clear l colors. Wafting through the air was a concoction of musty air and clean air. Even though there was no food or trash nearby, Every once in a while as he walked, the boy kept picking up the disgusting taste of rotten eggs in his mouth. Fortunately, as he explored getting deeper and deeper into the cave the smell started to weaken. After walking for what had seemed like hours Charli Felt tired and wanted to stop and rest a bit. His legs were burning and he felt very dehydrated. Sitting up against the right side the boy took some time to catch his breath. Knowing how thirsty he was, Charlie wished he would have brought his water bottle, but then again he also recalled how he had no idea that he was going to be taking this long adventure. Feeling for the most part recharged, Charlie quickly stood up and started walking in circles. As he did this, the boy started deciding if he should continue on his exploit or if he should go back home. He also had a feeling that his parents probably missed him and wondered where he was. What was he going to do? Suddenly Charlie remembered his journal that was sitting along the wall where he had been sitting, maybe drawing would help him think. Then the boy picked up his journal and started drawing on the page right across from the picture of the bunny he had drawn earlier that day even though he usually would draw animals, since he was so moved by the interior look of the cave, he decided to draw that for a change. At first, it was that easy, but after 20 minutes of hard work, the boy was finally able to design the inside of the cave on a smaller scale. Just as he was about to pick up his journal and head home, Charlie spotted something shining up ahead. Just like before the boy slowly and curiously walked forward until he got close enough to see what it was. Looking ahead the boy saw a small stream of water that slowly came toward him and started to form puddles. As he walked Charlie saw more of these puddles. Where was all this water coming from he wondered, and in a few seconds he was about to find out? To the left, Charlie saw a beautiful waterfall. Amazed by this, Charlie stopped and turned around to watch the Cascade of water as it fell from the rocky cliff up above. Back home the closest thing they got to a waterfall was the town's water fountain, and that was nothing compared to the thing he was witnessing today. Wanting to remember this, Charlie took out his journal and drew a picture of it. Finished with his drawing, the boy then continued with his adventure. He was walking when Charlie suddenly saw a 5-foot high pool of water (the width of the cave walls) that was carrying dangerous tidal waves with it. These powerful ripples t moved the water all over the place., forcing it to roughly crash up onto the cave walls making a big splash. Looking out, Charlie could hear and see the ripples in the water colliding.
They must have been brought in by a high tide which meant there was probably an ocean on the other side of the cave, Ocean, water, sand, beach, oh how wonderful he thought. Interested in seeing what was beyond the cave, Charlie stood there for a moment wondering how he was going to get across this high river of water. Swimming through the water was an option he thought, but he then figured it would be a little hard to come up to breathe. Looking around the boy saw nothing that could help him cross this river. Running low on ideas, Charlie just decided to head back home, but just as he was about to, the boy suddenly heard the creaking sound of a door open.
Startled, Charlie quickly turned to his right (where the sound was coming from) and was completely bewildered when he saw a brown wooden door ( a door he did not see there before) that was attached to the cave wall slowly open, and out came a tall man Charlie guessed probably 30 years old, wearing a plaid red and blue checkered shirt.
He had small brown eyes and a scraggly brown beard. Frank Keys, I'm the owner and tour guide of this cave, "The Crystal Cave," The man said. "What's your name?" Frank asked Charlie politely. "Charlie sir Charlie Bridges,'' the boy said. Well nice to meet you Charlie "The man told the boy holding out his hand for him to shake. Nice to meet you too Charlie said, reaching out his hand and connecting it with the man to shake.
As he shook Frank's hand Charlie Thought about how their conversation five minutes ago was the most conversation he had made with a stranger. He then remembered how his mom had always told him not to talk to strangers and all the things they could do to him like kidnap him. Okay maybe he was disobeying his mother by talking to Frank, an owner of a cave but so far to Charlie, he seemed like a nice man. "Well Charlie, how can I help you?" Frank asked him kindly. Then Charlie told the man how he got there and walked him over to show him the 5 feet of water and the still harsh tidal waves that were blocking his path.
"Mmm, I see, '' the man said, looking out at the pool of water while she scratched his beard. Looking back at Charlie, he told him that it has happened before and to wait right where he was and that he would be right back. As he walked away and went inside the cave door, the boy thought about what the man could be getting from inside his area. Maybe a tool to soak up the water, or a submarine to go through the water with. Although these would really help him, the boy doubted the cave had that kind of supplies. "This happens about every year," Frank said to the boy as they walked to the door. Reaching the door The man opened it and walked inside. " I'll be right back, Frank told Charlie. "Stay right here,'' the man told Charlie, like behind the door was some kind of machine he had been working on that he didn't want Charlie to see. When the man didn't come back for a while the boy grew curious and wanted to know what he was doing so instead of going inside, he walked up to the door and put his ear on it, and listened.
On the other side he could hear the sound of footsteps, probably Franks the boy guessed. A few seconds later Charlie heard the sound stop. "Oh Lola," the man called in a sweet, gentle tone, then he whistled. "Lola '' the boy figured was probably the name of his daughter or pet. Suddenly Charlie heard the loud sound of four feet, a tail slithering across the floor, and heard a chomping sound coming from deep inside the other side of the door. Louder the sound grew as the creature crept closer and closer to the door. Hearing this sound made the boy's heart quickly stop and slowly he began backing away from the door with a frightened look on his face like had just seen a monster or ghost. The noise coming from the supposedly four-footed creature continued towards the door and it was now joined by the footsteps of the man. Opening up the door was a tall man wearing a plaid red and blue checkered shirt, it was Frank. Right beside him on his left side stood a big green scaly creature and a long snout,
It was an Alligator? Okay now Charlie had a feeling Frank was a nice and smart guy but if he thought Charlie could just ride this alligator through the rest of the flooded cave he was out of his mind. "Excuse me, but how is an alligator supposed to guide me through the rest of the tunnel?", the boy asked the man curiously. Frank then laughed. "Oh Charlie, you see this isn't the normal alligator you'd see at a zoo or in a lake or pond. '' Frank told him. Taking a closer look at the green scaly four-legged creature that stood before him, the boy thought it looked pretty normal to him. It looked so much like an actual Alligator (the teeth, scaly body, and tail) Charlie was confused why the man was telling him that the creature was not a normal alligator.
"It's not, "the boy asked Frank, bewildered by his statement." Nope," the man said reassuring Charlie. "Believe it or not, Lola here is a shapeshifter and can turn into just the thing you need to help you get through the high water in the cave, '' Frank explained to him. "Wait how?" he asked the man, still confused. Fascinated by this interesting information, Charlie followed Frank as he walked over to the left side of the animal and touched a button on its ear. Then just like magic, Charlie watched as the once was Alligator turned quickly into a submarine that was shaped and looked just like the creature but a way bigger version (so that a person or people could fit it). "Cool", Charlie said. "When you've made your way through the high water, climb out of the vehicle and press the alligator's ear and it will turn back into a submarine and it will automatically come back to me. In the front were the alligator's eyes, long nose, and mouth painted to look realistic.
The middle ( along with the head) of the submarine was painted green( with detail of scales) and had two sets of windows on either side of it. At the end of this long underwater vehicle was a tail (that looked like a realistic alligator tail) with scales that acted like the propeller. Looking at the bottom, not only did he notice a painted alligator belly, but in the 4 corners of the creature, he was surprised to see alligators get sculpted and painted on it. "Wow," the boy said as he walked around the creature. Then As the boy was walking, Frank told him that he made a lot more shape-shifting animals like Lola and used them mostly to guide visitors through the cave ( the cave is flooded)and to scare away bad guys who were in the cave. "Cool", Charlie said. Then the man walked over to the side of the alligator and told Charlie that once he had made it through the cave to climb out of the vehicle, the submarine would automatically come back to him. " "Now what do I do," he asked the man. "Now all you need to do is go inside the submarine through that door," the man told Charlie pointing to the almost hidden green side door next to the button.
" Thank you", Charlie told Frank. Also, I've never operated a submarine before so how do I do it? Charlie asked Frank before he left to go inside the vehicle.
The man then laughed. It's okay, he told the boy. Just climb inside first then I'll tell you what to do, he said. Okay, Charlie said then he walked quickly over to the side door, opened it, and walked inside. Observing the room, the boy looked around the metal black floor and walls and ceilings that were the same color as the outside. On either side wall, there was a set of two oval-shaped windows. Walking towards the nose of the vehicle the boy saw ( perched up at the top, making a half-circle shape) a big white keyboard with all different kinds of colored buttons on there. Above this was a big window. On the far left and right corners, Charlie saw two black controllers. Behind this, in the center, Charlie saw a comfortable blue chair.
Suddenly Charlie heard his name being called from outside the submarine. Alarmed, the boy walked slowly over to one of the left side windows, looked out, and was relieved when he saw that it was just Frank. Seeing he now had Charlie's attention the man had him walk over to the keyboard and started explaining all the buttons to the boy. Before he left, Frank was done and was sure Charle understood everything he helped the boy lift and carry the vehicle closer to the water. Then the man wished him good luck, and with that Charling went inside and sat down in his chair, and began operating the underwater vehicle along the flooded cave.
At first, it was hard navigating, but eventually, he got the hang of it. Driving the submarine through the water Charlie saw parts of the cave walls come and go as he drove quickly past them. Looking at the water and parts of the cave, Charlie saw they looked way different compared to looking at it on the outside. He went through straight paths and around corners and eventually came to a part of the cave where the water level seemed to decrease as he went further. Battling the rough waves, he could hear them faintly from up top and could feel them as they rocked the sub a little bit. As the water level seemed to decrease throughout the cave, the submarine suddenly became emotionless when the water reached 3 feet. As a result of this, Charlie decided to get out and walk the rest of the way out of the cave. Then Charlie walked out of the vehicle and pressed the button on the alligator's ear and the submarine made its way back through the cave. Standing in the water a little bit, the boy was quickly shocked by the surprisingly cold water that soaked through his shoes and into his socks. "This was way different compared to the water at the start of the cave", he thought. That he hoped was a sign that they were closer to the end of the cave. Then Charlie walked out of the vehicle and pressed the button on the alligator's ear and suddenly the submarine made its way back through the cave.
Before it left, the boy thanked the submarine. Turning one more corner Charlie walked through a straight path that continued getting brighter and brighter as he walked until finally, he reached the end of the cave. Outside the boy looked around and he could not believe what he saw.

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