seven | back to square one

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My eyes snapped open at the time right now, the excruciating tighthess of my brain vanishing into thin air as I took in how much time I had to reach to the office. Only an hour. And my office was half an hour away so that only gave me thirty minutes to get myself and my bag ready.

Frantically, I climbed off the bed and dashed to the small closet just by my bed and pulled it open. Grabbing a white, frill-sleeved blouse and baby-pink pants, I set them on my bed before hurrying to the shower.

"Hey, what in the world are you doing, sprinting about like a dog on fire?" I turned to see Jenny standing by the doorframe with a tray in her hand, a glass of water and medicine deposited on it.

Shit, I'd totally forgotten about her. Shaking her head at me, as if I was just a nuisance, which I assumed I was, she walked further into my room and placed the tray on the bedside table.

Sighing, I looked from the tray on the table to her and noticing her glare on me, like the obedient child I was, I walked to the bed and slumped down on it.

Fuck. Jenny was the exact embodiment of the type of mother the Asians would repeatedly warn us about, except Jenny wasn't Asian at all.

Even though extremely warm and friendly, she was also strict and stern which balanced her equilibrium and I was equal parts afraid of her, and felt immense love and respect for her.

"Do you like that guy from yesterday?" Oh, and she was extremely straight-forward.

"What guy?" I asked, genuinely confused, as I watched her place the pills from the tray and into my head, jutting her chin out, asking me to swallow them. I took the glass of water from the tray and gulped the pills down.

"Where were you yesterday, Vienna?" she asked suspiciously, her dark-brown eyes narrowing on mine. "Why did you drink so much yesterday?"

I shutted my eyes, my forehead creasing in agony as if someone was drilling screws into my head. Hangovers were the worst ever. Remind me to kill myself if I ever drink that much again. Gosh!

Still, I racked my brain for memories from yesterday. Yesterday. Yesterday. What happened yesterday? Yesterd—

Oh right. Sully. Savannah. Proposal. Snow. Hugs. Kisses.

With a huge grin on my face, despite the exact contrast feeling in my head, I mumbled excitedly, "Sul proposed to Sav."

Jenny's eyes widened in bewilderment, her lips parting in ecstasy as she clapped her hands like a little child, explicitly unlike the behaviour of a fifty-two year old. "I'm so happy for the kids. Bring them here this weekend and I'll arrange a meal to celebrate, okay?"

I nodded wildly, already getting thrilled about all the four of us getting together again, just like old times. Sully had known Jenny ever since I rented this apartment and he helped me move my stuff but also because he was my one and only dearest friend that actually took any interest in visiting me. Sometimes, even Savannah joined him and everytime that happened, Jenny would invite us to her home, just below mine on the ground floor, and we'd eat and drink until we had passed out in her living room.

As if getting electrocuted, I felt a current shudder down the part of my brain and vivid snippets of last night flashed across my eyes.

Me. Drunk. Kyst Archer.

"Will you please hug me?"

"I want to hate you so bad, but I can't help liking you more everyday."

I gasped, shocked and mortified as I climbed onto my bed and hid under my covers.

Jenny's laughter echoed into the room first before her voice did as she asked, "Are you remembering about yesterday and your acts?" Then she chuckled again but it sounded distant when she again said, "That man from yesterday got me these pills and told me to give those to you claiming you'd have a headache when you woke up. He also wrote you a note and I put it into the drawer of the nightstand. Take a leave today if you don't feel good and come down when you're ready to talk."

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