
Start from the beginning

Novil glances at MC, who's giving him a pleading look. He sighs slightly and turns back to them. "I forgot my pencil pouch at home. Now I'll have to go to the school store and pay like ten dollars for a pack of only four pencils." He gripes. It's not even a lie, since he really did forget his pencil pouch at home.

Storie places her bag on the table and pulls out an orange pencil case. "I saw this on the counter, Nobi."

Novil squeals and jumps up to squeeze his younger twin. "I literally have the best sister ever! I love you so much, Riri!"

Storie giggles and hugs him back. "I love you too."

Mercedes turns to MC to whisper to her. "They're like this all the time. I don't know how they don't get sick of each other. Zeus and I live across the street from one another and I still feel like I see too much of him."

MC laughs before pausing. "Wait... you live near Zeus?"

She nods. "Yeah, he's my cousin. I moved to America from Ireland when I was like eight years old. Zeus' dad is my uncle, so I'm not related to Tallulah in any way in case you were wondering. I live with her, though."

MC's eyes widened. "Wait, what about Zeus?"

"She got him his own apartment. She was basically my older sister when I came here. She was the first person I came out to and everything. Zeus used to live in California with our grandfather, but he decided that he wanted to be as far from LA as possible, so he came here to be with us. Tallulah and I used to take trips over there all the time and she would call him everyday, so it only made sense that he came to New York."

MC sits back to take it all in. "Wow... so you're really close with your family, huh?"

Mercedes smirked. "Nah, just us three, to be honest. My dad and uncle ain't shit, and Tallulah's older sister and my mother are too in love with their husbands to try and leave, so they ain't shit either."

"Oh... well thanks for telling me. I have a feeling that Zeus wouldn't tell me anything about himself." MC meant for it to sound like a joke, but Mercedes can tell that she's actually bothered by that fact.

"Be patient with the lad. He's... well, he's been taught his whole life to keep quiet. It's kinda hard to break outta that habit when it's been ingrained in you."

MC discerns that she shouldn't ask for Mercedes to elaborate with what she meant. She figures that it's something that she should eventually get Zeus to tell her once they become closer. In all honesty, she's just excited to get to know the boy better in any way she can. She doesn't even know his favorite color yet.

"Good afternoon everyone! I have the pleasure of introducing your semester project that will count for eighty percent of your grade. Now, don't get too scared! The other twenty percent is your attendance and participation in class, so if you just show up you're already on track. The project in question, though, is a fashion show that will be shown to many designers by the end of the year!" Emily, their professor, announces.

The students all look at each other in surprise, some murmuring to each other in excitement.

"You'll each choose a theme that you want, submit the form into me, and there will be several moments when I'll come in and check on what you're doing, but otherwise, for the next eighteen weeks you will all create your own line of men's, women's, and unisex clothes. Each category will have three outfits in each, and you'll create the clothes right here in the room! So, any questions?"

Novil raises his hand. "Are we able to be in groups for this or is it fully individual?"

"Fully individual. Although you will be working with the performing arts class since they'll be modeling the clothes for you, so it's best that you get to know your models and their measurements. But, if you can find any other models just run that by me before including them in your show."

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