Heal All Of Me - Chapter 1

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I sat on the floor of my cell and thought about how shit my life these twenty-one years had been. First, I had been born the youngest son of a wealthy family.

I could so dimly remember them now. I remember the scorn and disappointment from my father.

But I could barely remember my mother. I could remember there was love there and I think I would've had a happy life if it werent for the fact that I started displaying signs that I had magic. Under the rules of the Kingdom of England, I was the property of the king.

All magic users are either killed or used by the Kingdom in whatever way they see fit. England was currently at war with Scotland and having shown magic capable of healing I was given to the Duke.

A cruel bastard who had thrown me in this room as his personal healer. One year ago, he blinded me to keep me in line. I wanted so badly to leave, but where would I go? I couldnt survive out there by myself and we were right on the border. If I went the wrong way, I would be found by the men who lived in Scotland and be torn apart.

But maybe dying would be better than spending another year in this empty room alone. At least then the Duke could take his booboos and shove them right up his

"William. Get up. Youre coming with me."

Shit, it was one of the Duke's guards and not one of the nice ones. I didnt know his name, but in my head, I called him Pig because of the way his nose wheezes when he breathed. My little rebellions.

"What's wrong? The Duke got a splinter he needs fixing." I muttered.

"Watch your tone, slave. If you werent so useful, I would beat you. Now, get moving unless you want me to drag you out." I got up and moved quickly to walk with him knowing he wasnt kidding and stayed silent as he led me somewhere.

I always made a point to pay attention whenever they took me somewhere.

One thing they didnt know about being blind was if I wanted to get around, I had to know where things were unless I wanted to spend all day walking into things. Id manage to map out some of the hallways around my room in my head hoping that I would eventually figure out how to get out of here. So far nothing has come of it.

For now though, we were going somewhere I hadnt been. Somewhere down.

"Were here."

"And where exactly is 'here?'"

"This is the dungeon."

I shuttered involuntarily, if nothing else I was glad that I wasnt kept down here. The air was wet and the kind of cold that sunk into your bones.

"William, my boy. Glad to see you came," said a gratingly cheerful voice.

"Duke, I mumbled. Whats going on?"

"You see, my boy, we have a prisoner. We found him scouting our lands. One of those vile Scotsmen."

My mind drowned out the rest of what he was saying, A Scotsmen? Id never met Scotish before, but I have been raised to believe they were an ugly race of men squatting in the hills. What would one of them be doing here?

"And he isnt feeling well. I would like you to attend to him," he finished.

"Wait, what! You want me to heal him?" I stammered, shocked.

That was strange he would barely let me heal his guard unless they were dying and now he wants me to heal some prisoner?

"Why?" I say aloud.

"Are you questioning me, William?" The Duke said, his voice cold and menacing.

"No, sir," I whispered.

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