written; [close call]

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Haerin walked into the lecture hall with one thing in mind; fnding out who gave her those notes. She had an inkling already that it was
y/n. She just doesn't have the proof. Unless she gets your confession, then she doesn't even need proof. Why is she doing this? Not to express her gratitude, no. It's because she's bored.

I was sitting in my usual spot, two seats down from the window seat. Haerin's seat. Speaking of Haerin, where was she? I glanced at the clock BAM. I jumped as I saw a hand right next to your notebook, I followed the arm to come face to face with Haerin. Okay, now WHAT IN THE FUCK IS HAERIN DOING, TALKING TO ME?

"Uh, how can I help you?"

"Was. It. You."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as it finally dwelled on me. The notes. My eyes widened as I quickly shook my head.

"No. Absolutely not. Does not benefit me in anyway, why would I give them to you?"

Haerin scoffed and she lightly smiled in amusement. I glanced down at her lips, a smile creeping up on my face as well looking at hers. Cute.

"I know it was you."

"Haerin, no offense, but I don't do favors for people without expecting something in return. There is no world, or universe, really, in which I would have given you those notes. But take the advice, stop sleeping and take more notes." I blankly (tried my best) stated while trying to control my heart beat and the increasingly obvious blush that was rushing to my cheeks and ears.

"You're blushing." Haerin smirked victoriously as if trying to prove that she was right.

"Your face was way to close to mine, anyone would have blushed. I would have blushed even if it was Jack."


"Yeah oh. Go sit down and sleep or whatever you do. Shoo!" I watched as Haerin dejectedly walked over to her seat and slam her head on the desk and she (very loudly, mind you) groaned.

Phew. Close call.

notes; kang haerin [smau]Where stories live. Discover now