I want to call this the magic awakens bit it sounds a bit cringey lmao

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Raine pov

"Mu-um... Aidens got my screwdriver."

"Tell him to give it back then. Im not going to fight your battles for you."

I looked over to where my twin brother stood fiddling with the screwdriver. He smirked back at me.

I took a running jump at his hands, but Aiden pulled it out of my reach. Cursing him being taller than me, I tackled him to the ground, but he managed to throw the screwdriver away from me again.

I reached out for the screwdriver, trying to catch it in my left hand, knowing that I would miss, but I suddenly felt a strange surge of power running through me. 

Something just shot out of my hand and onto the screwdriver, and I looked up to see that it was encased in a bubble of floating water.

Aiden just stared.

"Get mum. Get mum," I hissed to him.

He returned a few moments later with both of our parents in tow.

I tried to explain what had happened.

"It- the screwdriver- it was there- it just-"

Mum and dad were giving each other looks.

"Don't worry, raindrop. This is normal, and we can help, we'll just go and contact a few friends now."

I flushed. They hadn't called me raindrop in years, and what about it being normal? Do most kids go through a stage where they randomly shoot balls of waters at passing objects?

And who do they know who can help me?

Maia pov

Silent morning , Quiet morning 

All is calm, All is boring

I repeated this to myself in my head while I sketched the living room, a quiet place, because it was the holidays and dad was out doing whatever job he has. I never pay attention to things like that.

I heard a sort of whining noise that must have been the neighbour's bratty do asking for more than it's fair share of food. The only use he has to me is as a disposal unit for dads cooking.

Walking up to it with the intention of shooing it away, I found out that it wasn't just the neighbour's dog.

It was the neighbour's dog fighting two cats, which is way worse than it sounds.

"Hey! Stop that!" 

I don't really like that dog, but I don't want it to die!

The cats, being cats, obviously didn't listen, and continued to bully the dog and finally drawing blood.

That's it.

I can't stand the sight of someone doing something like that for no good reason.

My fists clenched tightly. I saw something glowing in the corner of each eye, so I inspected one side. 

Wait.. my ARMS were glowing. Gold too!

The cats seemed to have noticed as well, because they ran away into the bushes. 

My glowing arms started to fade as I carried the injured dog inside to try and fix it up before the neighbours saw what had happened.

It finally sunk in.

Dads gonna hear one interesting story tonight.

Ember pov

As I walked home from the dairy near our house, with a strawberry flavoured ice cream in my hand, I heard someone run up behind me. As soon as they put their hand on my shoulder, I knew who it was.

"I thought you were supposed to be grounded," I told my brother, Rowan

This was true. Earlier this morning, her had gotten himself grounded for setting fire to the wood pile. 

How dumb is that?

Rowan scratched the back of his neck looking sheepish.

"Yeah, I wanted to tell you how it happened."

I rolled my eyes. "You were in the wood pile with a lighter, and managed to set the whole thing on fire."

"And here I was thinking that I trusted you. I really should have come up with a better cover story though." He muttered the last part.

"Well, okay then, what really happened."

"Let's go somewhere private. I don't want anyone else to hair this."

Once we were seated on an overgrown park bench, one of the ones that everyone always forgets about and is covered with trees on all sides, he began.

"So, I was sitting in the wood pile-"

I snorted. "Weird."

He ignore me as always. "-and I saw this big spider and I got a bit of a fright-"

"And you're what, 16? I haven't been scared of anything since I was six." I boasted.

Rowan flushed as red as my hair.

"Hey I'm allowed to be scared of stuff, okay? And anyway, the thing is, when I jumped up to, well, run away, f-flames kind of may have shot out of my hands and burnt the wood pile?"

My eyes widened. I knew he was telling the truth because he acts so obvious when he isn't.

"Whoa... we need to tell mum and dad."

"Ember, it's a secret!"

"No seriously, I kinda overheard them talking about this ages ago."

"What, magical fire outbursts?"

"I don't know, but somehow, they were expecting this."

Rowan nodded. 

An invisible connection passed between us, and we knew the other person must have been thinking the same thing.

Something was happening, and they know about it.

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