8: Abducted [💫/⚠]

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A sharp pain spread through my head as an undeniable feeling of nausea overcame me. Slowly as i slipped back into reality and opened my eyes i felt other waves of pain quickly overtake my barely conscious mind,loud chatter invading my ears and bright lights attacking my eyes

Oh fuck.

It became painfully clear what happened as i realized my arms were tied behind a chair,along with my legs,i raised my head to take a look a my surroundings only to be met with a slap to the face. The fucking audacity.

I was abducted, taken hostage. Never in all of my years of service have i ever been taken hostage. A small puddle of rage began pooling up inside me,it was quickly squashed out when my thrashing to free myself was met with a kick to the chest,the chair tipping back and making me fall,i let out a yelp as i fell on my back while still being tied to the chair,my hands hitting the ground before me and being squashed by my own weight

"*U pičku materinu koj kurac je ovo!" i yelled out in pain as the person walked over,they pressed their foot against my chest and dug their heel into me,i hissed at them,feeling a small wave of pain "*Kad ustanem tako ću vam jebati mater pičketine jebene--"

My angry tangent was quickly cut short with a kick to the face,I felt blood slowly began trickling down my cheek "Shut up you fucking russian" an annoying pitchy voice rung out in my ears,i felt my blood boil at their words

"Russian? Oh i swear on everything that is holy- ack!" i felt their foot press deeper in my stomach,an uncomfortable pain spreading out made me grit my teeth.

"Oh for fucks sucks sake learn to shut up!" I heard them yell out again,pressing their full weight on my stomach,they leaned down and snatched the mask off my face,i scrunched up my nose as i shot a glare at them, i held back the urge to cruse them out,knowing it would only do me harm.

"Ay ay ay! don't kill him you fucking dipshit we need him alive,information, remember?" another persons voice echoed in the empty room,somehow what they said calmed my assaulter down. But only temporarily.

What came after were endless hours of what at first was interrogation but slowly evolved in to torture as i refused to say any information that would be useful to them. The scars they made left my face a mess,even if i couldn't see it,i could feel the amount of my blood on it.

what they did next made me question if i had done the right thing by staying silent.

They had tied a rope around my neck,arms and legs,dousing it in alcohol. They proceeded to set it aflame.

The amount of pain i felt was indescribable, the fire digging in to my skin and burning it,leaving the nerves exposed, melting and tearing my flesh. I couldn't muffle my screams,soon after they felt i had suffered enough they doused me in water to put the fire out,i couldn't breathe,the pain was unbearable, i almost wished they had just killed me,death would have been a mercy.

I fell down to the floor,curling up in on myself, i couldn't even heard what profanities they were yelling, i only noticed when they stopped. The chatter turning quiet,then silent,followed by sounds of gunfire and yelling,i could barely bring myself to open my eyes,what i saw would be burned in my memory forever.

A man stood out in between the soldiers that had come in,tall and wide frame. He had a cloth covering his face,from what I could tell a sniper veil,with two streaks of bleach running down from the eye sockets. He dropped his gun to his hip as he ran to one of the men that had been torturing me for god knows how long. He picked him up like he weighed nothing and-

Snapped his back over his knee.

The crack that echoed out between the gunfire sent shivers down my spine,and for a split second, the Man's mismatched colored eyes met my own. And what i saw was...


...Pure, raw, animalistic rage.

Struggling to keep my eyes open and keep myself conscious i gave in,closing them as the sound of gunfire and yelling faded away,my mind beginning to slip in to unconsciousness.

How could such beautiful eyes,hold such rage within them?

Finally, the blood loss,burns,and stress,took my mind away as a sense of cold and quiet invaded my senses,and then....


My eyes snapped open, my breathing quick and shaky as i was unable to recall my surroundings immediately, a sense of panic drilling itself within me as i stared at the ceiling above me,a cold sweat dripling down my face as my fingers dig into the mattress and sheets below me.

And then i remembered, i was in my room,at my base, safe and sound.

Another nightmare? well,another is taking a bit too far,the last one was more of a dream. Was this memory? was i remembering things bit by bit in dreams? so many questions,so little answers...



König was in this dream as well,along with the last one. Suddenly i remembered that look in his eyes,a look of pure raw rage, i couldn't help but shiver. Was such a sweet and caring person,truly that merciless on the battlefield? a shiver went down my spine.

Lost in my thoughts,a noise invaded my ears....

Knock knock.

speak of the devil and the devil may come.


*What the fuck is this? ( serbian specific curse )
[ literal translation: in three pretty mothers pussies, what the dick is this? ]

*When i get up im going to fuck you up you fucking pussies ( serbian specific curse )
[ literal translation: when i get up I'm going to fuck your mother you big fucking pussies ]




Also don't be shy to leave comments!! i love them all!<3


word count: 1066

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