3: Description [🌼]

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Sergeant "Elf" [ many simply call him 'El' ] is a Serbian man in his mid to late thirties,he has been in the Military since his early twenties and has shown great skill with weapons other than guns,such as knives,often preferring close-up combat. He usually sticks to knives however when push comes to shove he either uses a powerful short-range shotgun or a sniper riffle,stirring away from any other firearms he is unfamilar with.

His native language is Serbian,however his English is exceptionally good,so much so that many people mistake him for being American. He doesn't mind and takes it as a compliment. He mostly speaks in English however he does occasionally chat with other soldiers from the balkan region in his native language, many balkan counties have similar sounding words. He also has a very bad habit of cursing in Serbian,or mumbling to himself when he is upset.

'Elf' got his callsign because of his small appearance and slightly pointy ears,making him look as though he was an elf. He didn't seem to mind it and even seemed to like it,though he would often refer to himself a simply "El" as he didn't seem to like mentioning his name

He is approximately 5'2, weighing merely 58 kilograms. He wears a clean black mask that covers the lower part of his face,his icy blue eyes had a glint of sadness in them as they were slightly upturned,they were a contrasts to his sickeningly pale skin. His hair is somewhat longish,it has grown fully gray with time so-much-so that everyone had forgotten what his hair color had originally been.

Many have complained about the fact that Sergeant El isn't fit to be on the battlefield, mostly because of his small and 'weak' frame,people have commented that his long hair is a distraction to him as well as others,however any requests to discharge him or change his appearance had fallen to deaf ears, due to the fact that he had mostly minimal casualties thus far.

Dispite his small frame,he has been proven to be great in dodging while sparring, often playing safe until he can get his targets weak-spots,he is also incredibly agile and swift,however his strength struggles to hold up to the same standard because of his personal issues.

He often duos with könig,who,before he met El,preferred to do solo missions and/or mostly kept to himself when on the battlefield,he has stated that he does this to avoid feeling upset when one of his fellow soilders perishes. Him and El appeared to be a great duo,as El would sneak up on his targets and eliminate them that way,könig would watch his back and using his sniper cover him.

Their large size difference seemed extremely unhelpful and borderline dangerous to others who saw them on the battlefield or missions together,however that proved to be untrue as they truly coordinated best when paired. He also fully refuses to admit that König is Austrian and continuously calls him german,könig gave up on on correcting him whatsoever seeing that it was pointless.

Him and El had often coincidentally ran into each other on the battlefield and got paired to do missions together, both of them eventually warmed up to each other. König started to take a slight liking to the man,due to the fact that he wasn't scared or intimidated by his physical size,hell,even he knew that he looked like a giant. König sticks to his side most of the time out of fear that El,because of his pride and preference for close up combat,might end up hurt without him. König's paranoia would prove to be correct as the only two major casualties El had,have been while he was alone.

El had minimal casualties besides once having fallen into a week-long coma after being attacked by the enemy while out patrolling, he had lost his memory but after about a month managed to fully regain it. This incident doesn't seem to have effected him physically nor emotionally since he had preformed just as well once out on the battlefield.

He had also been abducted pretty early after joining the military while on a rescue mission,he had managed to escape after a month however he was clearly scarred physically and mentally from the event. He often wears shirts or scarfs that cover his neck and arms,attempting to hide the scars.

He also had intimate knowledge of first aid even before joining,this made him able to qualify as a field medic but it seemed that he preferred combat. Despite that,his knowledge still managed to save countless men while they waited for an actual medic to arrive. Most soldiers have been taught how to stop the bleeding while they waited for a medic and not how to actually heal the wounds. However, El's knowledge proved to be was far beyond that.

Recently, Sargent Elf had fallen into yet another coma. This had happened while he was out on the battlefield and könig happened to not be near-by. He has recently awoken from the coma , seeming to have suffered a memory loss once again, however as weeks progressed his memory seemed to not be getting any better. He also suffered multiple other injuries which made him unlikely to be put out on the battlefield in near or even distant future.

König appeared to be frustrated at the event, since he had not been able to protect El,he somewhat blamed himself for his injury. He also seemed to be growing increasingly distressed by El's memory loss and his sudden fear of the much larger man

He seems to be improving physically, regaining his strength and awareness, however there has been no sign of his memory starting to fully revover,just some dreams and flashbacks. it has been a little bit over a week since he woke up and two weeks since he had fallen unconscious. hopefully, he regains his memory soon and makes a full recovery.


Author's note!!


Also i hope yall are happy,i pushed this chapter out early just for yall<3

If you have any ideas or suggestions you'd like to see then feel free to comment it here! don't be shy,i have a few things in mind but the plot isnt fully planned out yet

That's all! thank you guys a lot for taking your time to read this,it genuinely makes me happy that so many people enjoy my work <3

Have a good rest of your day y'all!!

word count: 1135

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