5: We Meet Again [🌼/☁️?]

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"you still haven't answered me,how do you know that name?" i persisted with a frown,slightly tugging my mask up as i looked at the man untrustingly. Something about his tall frame and eerie mask was extremely off-putting.

The man let out a heavy sigh as he plopped down in a chair near my bed,his size dwarfed everything around him. He starred at the floor for a moment before responding to me "You told me.." he slightly shifted in his seat as he glanced over at me "..after our third mission together" the black paint around his eyes failed hide the glint of sadness and hurt that resided within them as they pierced into mine.

I couldn't peel my gaze away from his eyes,i didn't understand why. His left eye was the color of dark,damp grass,the kind you would see only if you went out in the rain while it was storming, his right eye however,was a dark ocean blue,it reminded me of the thundery night skies and the pounding rain right outside my window. God,that sounds so cheesy doesn't it?

Finally managing to tear my gaze away from König, i starred down at my hand as i fidgeted with my fingers and rings,i wanted to say something but my mind couldn't come up with a single thing. My name isn't something i like to discuss or hear often, it remind me of my mother,and oh boy are my memories with her not plesant. Have i really trusted this man so much to let him in on such a sensitive topic?

"I'm sorry,i truly don't know what to say." i finally managed to mutter out as i kept my gaze glued to my hands,too afraid to look at the man next to me. Well,i wouldn't say afraid but i don't know how else to describe it,it felt like an overwhelming feeling of anxiety that just... kept getting worse the longer the silence went on.

The man responded to me after taking a long pause, "If you are uncomfortable, i can leave.." his voice was low,quiet,almost like a whisper.

To be honest,i gave it a thought, but ultimately decided against it. "no,stay. I'm sorry,it's just that for me,it's kind of my first time meeting you" I glanced at him,still feeling a bit on edge

"Okay,i understand" he nodded with what seemed to be relief,his slight german accent was quite noticeable. He paused "and you don't have to apologize so much" He mentioned as he looked at me. He's right, i didn't even notice. I guess i just sort of,felt bad? i mean,there's no reason for me to feel that way,i didn't do anything wrong,but still.

"so uh... how are you feeling?" he man scratched at the back of his neck, or at least where the cloth was covering it as he watched me,the look in his eyes showed clear worry

"...Could be better" i muttered out as i watched him in the corner of my eye,he was fiddling with the edge of his sleeve. I guess i wasn't the only one here riddled with anxiety. "But I'll be fine,don't worry,Mon said I'll be as good as new in about a week. Most of my injuries healed while i unconscious" i added, wanting to ease his mind a bit.

"That's good." König commented as his gaze stayed stuck to the floor,i felt my uneasiness slowly start fading away as i came to the realization that he was probably more nervous than i am. I was still very curious about this man that i was supposedly extremely close with,i guess it shouldn't hurt to try and get to know him,right?

"Sooo...what happened on that third mission?" i glanced at König,attempting to stir up a conversation. He perked up a bit as his gaze shifted towards me again,i will not lie for a moment i regreted asking as i felt all the confidence leave my body

"It was a rescue mission for a few of our men,we managed to get them back to base with ease...we did lose one" His voice was a tad bit louder,i noticed that his body also seemed to have relaxed a bit,he continued "Well,your stealth is mostly what helped us navigate and get them back,i don't know why they would send someone like me,a battering ram, on a stealth mission" his gaze shifted back to the pale floor tiles beneath his feet

"Don't say that,I'm sure you helped a lot too." i attempted to reassure him,i glanced back at my hands "Again,i can't remember anything, but from what i can tell i am quite...frail? i mean thin,i may be fast but im pretty sure if someone managed to land a single hit on me I'd be seeing stars" I joked,trying to lighten up the mood as i looked back at the man

König was quiet for moment,after a few seconds he finally replied "That is somewhat true,you are also extremely stubborn,which is why you are here in the first place" by 'here' i assume he was probably referring to the Medbay. "I asked you about your name before we left,as i felt that i should get to know you better. You uh...didn't necessarily like my attempt at befriending you" He let out a quiet chuckle

"So when did i tell you?" i asked, growing a bit curious now. "When we came back to the base,after the mission, i remember it clear as day. You told me your name and said i deserved it 'after today'. I didn't understand what you meant and i still somewhat don't, but im glad you trusted me"

God i seriously wish i had my memories,that whole day sounds genuinely interesting. As i pondered about some other things i could talk with him about,i couldn't think of anything in particular. However my mind did circle back to one thing: His name,or callsign,should i say. "Hey this might be random.." i began,König slightly tilted his head as he looked at me,waiting for me to continue

"How the hell do you actually pronounce your name? I heard Mon say it like kuh-neesh, Uki says it like konik, then there's this one weird short dude with a fucked up Mohawk, i didn't catch his name, he says it like kunih- i don't know, it's just confusing" i rambled, starting to feel a bit more comfortable speaking.

"Oh...Well people don't say it the same because it is pronounced differently depending on where you are,so technically speaking all pronunciations are correct" He replied simply

"ah,that makes sense" i smiled slightly, somehow forgetting the fact that i had a mask on. "So,if i pronounced it like ko-nih,that wouldn't be incorrect?" i asked,he replied with a short nod. "cool" i added,feeling the conversation beginning to die down a bit

König stayed with me for another hour or so,we spent it chatting about our past missions. Actually, it was more like him telling me about them with me occasionally chimming in with random comments,he was surprisingly very nice to talk with, no wonder i was friends with him. However our fun was short lived as Mon had come in,informing us that König had to leave. After we said our goodbye's the room fell into a very uncomfortable, almost eerie silence.

I hope that he will visit me again sometime soon.


my apologizes for the long wait between chapters,it was new years and i got drunk therefore was hung over as shit. This chapter is a tiny bit longer i hope yall are happy,I literally had to force myself to sit down n write this for yall since my könig hyperfixation is slowly fading away, please give me ideas and/or praise so i dont drop this,please 'n thank you 💥✨❤

word count: 1368

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