7: Scattered Pieces [🌼]

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After a week of being held in medical,Mon had finally allowed me to leave,not before checking that everything was fine and healed first,of course. He wasn't a bad guy if I'm being honest, very nice,although he did lose his temper with me once or twice due to my stupid jokes. None the less i was finally allowed back in my room

Standing before my door I couldn't help but wonder what would greet me once i stepped inside, i honestly didn't know what to expect. When i lost my memories, i lost a part of myself,of who i was...or,more so of who i am. Maybe i could try to find myself in the cracks and crevices of this room. my room. Maybe,just maybe,i could get a single hint of who i was as a person before all of this.

Taking my keys and jamming them into the keyhole i quickly turned them and pushed the door open,The room was completely dark,the window covered. I walked inside and shut the door behind me,flicking the light on as i turned around to meet where the man i was before spent his time.

I was met with a messy bed,mostly papers in the trash,a notebook thrown on the bedside table, it was odd to say the least. Some clothes were neatly folded while others were thrown to the side, some papers neatly stacked while others were scattered on the floor

A mess.

Sounds fitting if I'm being honest, however as i looked infront of me at everything, i couldn't help but feel as if this was someone else's room,like i was intruding their privacy,their space. Was this really who i was? i couldn't help but wonder.

It seems that i still had my mask on,i didn't understand why i had the instinct to have it on in the first place, but i figure if im alone what's the harm of taking it off? And so i did,slipping the black mask off my mouth and shoving it into my poket before looking back up again

People often say a person's room is a reflection of their mind...So what was causing my mind to be in such shambles? None the less,i should keep looking. My eyes fell onto the bathroom door, curious as to what amount of privacy we have been given,i walked over and pushed the door open,flicking the light on

The bathroom was clean,much to my suprise,to my bigger suprise it seems that we have our private showers,that much i can appreciate. The clean white tiles covered the floor and the walls,there was a sink,a toliet,a small cabinet

and a mirror

A covered one,for that matter

Why was my mirror covered with a towel? was i cleaning it before and just forgot to put the towel away? that's strange. I took off the towel and set it down on the sink, as i looked up at the mirror,i was not the tiniest bit prepared for what i saw.

Scars. So many scars. The face starring back at me with those ice blue eyes and sickeningly pale skin made me freeze in place,my hair was a long white mess,has it gone gray already? how old was i actually? i didn't even think of that,how many years have i served? with all those scars i might as well have been here a decade.

A scar ran from the middle of my right cheek to the top of my left brow,another scar meeting it in an X sort of look,from my chin all the way to the top. There was another small one on the left side of my chin,going up to my cheek, and another which seemed to be a bullet graze,from my right cheek it even cut into my ear. A light stubble rested on my chin,my eyes wondered down and that's when i saw it.

My neck. Or more so the scar that ran across it. It looked like a burn,i brought my hand up and touched it,it hardly hurt,i traced my finger along it and it seemed to wrap all the way around my neck in a circle, looping around.... how does someone even get a burn like this?

I looked back up at myself, the eyebags, the scars, the burns....everything. It was overwhelming. it was all too much to look at,and so suddenly. I was terrified. This? this is who i was? what i looked like? i hardly recognized myself, my eyes didn't show a shimer of emotion as they glared back at me,wide.

I regretted taking that towel off the mirror so much that words couldn't even describe it.

It had probably been mere seconds that i stood there,starring at this stranger before me,but it felt like hours. My eyes darting from one scar to another,examining every inch of my face.

my face.

This was my face. This was me. no wonder i wore a mask. who the fuck would want to look at this all day? i was disgusting, a mess. i felt sick to my stomach just looking at myself. Hideous. i was hideous.

I haven't even felt the tears pooling at my eyes as i stared at the monster before me,only noticing them once one fell on the sink under me,a quiet tap snapping me out of my self degrading train of thought. I looked down and shut my eyes tightly, trying to forget what i just saw,but it was as if my face was burned into the back of my eyelids,it never left.

Tears kept coming,pouring out of my eyes as i couldn't comprehend what i was seeing,i opened my eyes,trying to get my breathing to be stable as my eyes shifted back down at the towel i had placed on the side of the sink.

Quickly geabbing it i covered the mirror again, keeping in the back of my mind a reminder to never, ever. take it off again.

No one ever deserved to see whatever monster was looking back at me.


Sup y'all! im sorry for the late updates,im sick as shit,my neighbor died,and there's a high probability of me getting jumped at school,so I'm not doing too hot ✨💥✨
Also my dad is going to court soon so i gotta deal w that too❤❤❤

just a typical author's note huh? 😭

Im sorry if you guys dislike this chapter, it was a bit more centered at the character, but i also wanted to awaken a feeling of relatability,and the fact that no one is flawless

word count: 1143

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