"Avi, drop her safely", my dad said to him in a stern voice.

"You don't have to tell me about that, dad", he said annoyed.
"And she is looking like a monkey, no one can bully her", he added.

"If I am a monkey then you are a chimpanzee", I retorted.

"You two never stops", my mom sighed.

"Ok, now grace my car with your presence, princess, it's getting late for my office", he said as he opened the car door for me.

"Ok, Mr.", I commented and climbed the car.

Waving at my parents one last time, we hit the road. It's still early in the morning so there is no traffic. After three hours, car entered our colony.

I don't live in a big apartments or something like that. It was an independent 2 story house. We live in first floor while the owners live in ground floor.

"Bye... Be careful and don't do any stupid things", he said and drove off.

Pooja and Payal welcomed me with big hugs. I unpacked my bags and we shared snacks which my mom packed for us. We watched Netflix for a while having snacks.

"I am hungry", Pooja commented. She is always hungry.

"You are hungry even after eating these many snacks, you are great", Payal commented.

"Shut up", she hissed.

After whining for a while, we give in to her and got ready and went to a nearest cafe.

We went in and ordered noodles as we sat at our regular place which is the last table.

"Hey, hi", we heard a voice which can manage to irritate me every time. She is Lahari, my ex-boyfriend's present girlfriend and unfortunately our classmate.

"What do you want? We don't have boyfriends for you to steal now", Payal is the first one to react.

Ignoring her, Pooja and me settled on our place.

"Why are you ignoring me?", Lahari asked us.

"If you find that we ignored you then respect yourself and go away from here", Pooja said sarcastically and a laugh escaped from my mouth. She glared at us before going from there.

Our order delivered soon and we started eating. They both ate while cursing Nithin and I enjoyed their scolding.

Nithin is my ex but my best friends hate him more than I do. That's best friend's formulae.

"I have to go to meet a client", Pooja remarked.
"Will you come with me".

"I am in", Payal replied.

"You go and enjoy", I commented. I really hate to meet clients with her, I can't sit at same place without messing anything. My chatterbox mouth can't keep quiet for a long time so it's better for her to not to take me.

"Thank you", she chuckled and I glared at her.

"Bye", they said and left.

My radio show is at 9pm, every day. It's still 5pm so, I still have so much time. I thought for a while and decided to go to beach. I took a taxi to go beach and as usually I slept in the taxi, I really can't stay awake in moving objects unless there is someone to talk to me... well, listen to my talk.

Taxi driver woke me up when we reached the beach. I paid him and walked in to the beach.

I like beaches and mountains and going there alone, I won't feel lonely. I enjoy my own company.

I walked on the beach bare foot feeling the breeze then I saw a bunch of children playing on the sand, building houses and all but every-time they are failing miserably.

"Do you need my help", I asked them sitting beside them on the sand.

"You know how to build", they asked me acting like adults.

"This is a piece of cake for me", I replied and started building them a house.

After that I played a lot with them. I ran with them and fell on the sand few times; I enjoyed a lot.

When I see the time, panic aroused on my heart. It's already 8:30 and I have a show at 9pm. I have to reach radio station in 30 minutes which is impossible but I have to make it possible because I am Naina.

I ran out of the beach but due to the wetness from my shoes, I slipped my step and bumped into someone causing his coffee to fall on the ground. I closed my eyes shut expecting the pain but he caught me before I fell. I opened my eyes slowly and saw a handsome man holding my waist tightly.

He has blue attracting eyes and sharp nose with thin lips. His jaw is sharper than the knife in our house.

"Sorry", I mumbled. "I mean Thank you", I said and runoff.


Hello homies 🥰

How are you??

Missed me?

Hope you liked the first chapter of Naina...💕

This story is going to be a little different from my previous stories, mainly female lead... Hope you will support me in this too😇

dont forget to vote and comment... your comments can make me write more and who knows I will update early if you comment more 🤷🏻‍♀️😉


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