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Greenville, SCMarch 23rdTuesday

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Greenville, SC
March 23rd

"And I promise to give you everything that I have. There's not a dream in this world you can't accomplish or grasp." Mila softly sang to her two-year-old son—Adryan jr as she rocked his little body in her arms, hoping he would fall asleep soon "I will cross any ocean before I let you land. Just hold on to mama's hand and never let it go," She rubbed his cheek with her thumb while watching his big brown eyes grow heavier and heavier. He loved when she sang that song to him, that's all she sang to her stomach when she was pregnant with him.

"Goodnight my sweet boy," She placed a small kiss on his forehead. She carefully placed his body fully in his twin-size bed, hoping he didn't wake up during the process. She pulled the paw patrol cover over his small body and tippy-toed out of his room. She knew at any small sound that Jr would wake up. She needed him asleep in order to finish cooking dinner for her Fiancé before he returned home from work.

She has had a stressful day job hunting and keeping up behind a busy two-year-old. She wasn't in the mood nor did she have the energy to have an argument match with her man. She was just going to do anything and everything to avoid all conflict with Adryan.

She appeared from the dark hallway into the kitchen. Slightly dragging her feet over to the stove, she used the light blue oven mitten to pick up the hot silver metal top of the pan. She checked on the country-style rib steak she had cooking in the skillet on top of the stove. She watched it carefully as it sizzled with the garlic butter she had homemade, making sure it looks and was cooked just the way Adryan likes it.

Why is Mila bending over backward for someone that wouldn't do the same for her? The only reason she could give was one of the stupidest ones. She was trying to make the relationship with Adryan work for the sake of Jr. When she knew the relationship with Adryan ended a year ago. They were only hanging on by a thread, an invisible thread that would break any miller second now.

All they did was argue and have sex. Not even have a decent conversation like the grown adults they're. Mila hated it, but she was sticking in there for the sake of her child.

That's probably the dumbest advice she has ever listened to. She regrets even listening to it, a child needs happy parents in order to have a happy childhood and a lot of stability in life. She wished that she realized that sooner before taking that advice from old heads. Making a relationship work was just another excuse to be unhappy with someone, another excuse why they shouldn't move on. Another excuse to selfishly pick yourself and cover it up with 'doing it for the child'.

That's what Mila has learned from that saying, she was living it. She was living a miserable life, waiting on a trifling—grown male hand and foot. Getting verbally abused and degraded in front of her son who was too young (thank goodness) to understand what was happening. Crying every morning in the shower after he leaves for work and before her son woke up, wanting to leave for her own mental health but she knew she would be broke.

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