Gajeel x Reader : Bonding Job (Fairy Tail)

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You were sitting down and staring at your cup of bubble tea. Bubble tea was your favourite but you just weren't in the mood to drink it, if you did it would taste dull and have no flavour. Tomorrow was the day that you would go on a job with Gajeel. 

Why you had to go on a job with him? Well the master ordered it since you two rarely ever get along so this is supposed to be some sort of bonding experience for you both. You didn't know how it was going to work out but you guess you would both be able to find away.

Sighing you stood up from where you were sitting and headed home. It was no use dawdling on the day ahead so heading out the guild door you headed home. It was a nice night to be out, the sun was disappearing behind the clouds making the world around you glow slightly, there was a nice breeze that had just set in and the streets were calmer at this time so you didn't need to worry about banging into anyone.

You got home safely, opening the door to your house, you step inside. You take your coat off and chuck it onto the couch. Heading into your room you fall onto the bed. Your covers messed up because you didn't bother to make your bed earlier that day. You fall asleep a little while after, drifting into the land of dreams.

You woke up early the next day, well what you would call early. Your hair all over the place, you yawned groggily and got up and out from underneath your warm covers to go and make yourself some breakfast. You go into the kitchen and make a couple of pieces of toast and a cup of warm milo, you sit down at the table still half asleep. Huddling the cup of warm milo close to you, you sigh and lean back into your chair.

Then the doorbell rings, who could it possibly be at 7:00 in the morning? you ask yourself. Setting your cup down on the table you get up and open the door, to your surprise Gajeel is standing right there in your doorway. He looks you up and down as his eyes widen a little. You realise that you are still in your Pj's. Flustered you ask him, "Why are you here so early?

"Didn't you read the job request?" Gajeel replied.

"I skimmed it," you admitted sheepishly.

He sighed in response, "Well we have to be at the train station at quarter to eight so we can catch the train and get to our destination at 9:30."

Sucking in a gulp of air you look at the clock and your eyes widen. It was 7:15, you had half an hour to get dressed and ready then get to the station to catch the train.

"Wait here!" you say hurriedly as you run to your room and shut the door behind you. You quickly get changed into a pair of jeggings, with a short denim skirt and a plain white off the shoulder top. You look into the mirror and see your hair is all over the place. You quickly tie it into a ponytail with a little white bow.

Nodding at yourself in the mirror you walk out of your bedroom and to where Gajeel was waiting at your front door. He looks at you quickly then turns away. " We should get going," he says as he begins to walk away. You grab your bag and run out the door locking it behind you.

You walk to the station in silence. You don't want to say anything in case he makes fun of you or you happen to accidentally start an argument. Though you may not like it this was a bonding mission ordered by the master and you didn't want to let him down.

You arrive at the station just on time. Sighing in relief you both get on the train quickly and sit down. As soon as the train is set into motion Gajeel gets hit by his motion sickness. You don't really care so you just stare out the window.

You arrive at the town where the mission was set. You get off the train grateful to be out in the open again, Gajeel however was a little shaky on his feet. Laughing you tell him to hurry up and you both walk through the town towards where you are meant to meet the mayor.

When you got to the spot there was a note taped to the wall that read :

Dear Brave Mages who have accepted this Job,

Please take care when you go to the outskirts of this town for there is a band of thieves that are very powerful mages. If you may, can you please go and drive them away from this town because my people are living in fear.

I wish for them to live normal happy lives and not live in fear, so go to the outskirts of town and if they don't come out to see you they have a hideout hidden further out inside a dark cave. 

I am sorry I couldn't see you in person but I am not able to. I wish you the best of luck.

Yours sincerely, 


You look at Gajeel and shrug, "We should just get going." you say. He nods in response and you both head to the outskirts of town that the note mentioned. 

When you get there you look around, looking for any signs of anyone at all being there recently. Gajeel goes further along the track while you stay looking at the start. Suddenly you feel a razor sharp edge against your neck.

"Don't move a muscle," a cold voice said, "or you'll get it." obeying you stay as still as you possibly can, fear flashing in your eyes.

This was weird, how this person had snuck up on you, you had no idea. You were normally pretty alert to all your surrounding, noticing even the tiniest of sounds. You don't dare to speak up or say anything for the fear of being killed.

"Walk." the voice said. You began to walk forward ever so slowly as to not cut your neck on the blade. You both turn the corner only to see Gajeel looking and sniffing trying to find the hideout. When he sees you like that he stops and freezes for a second.

"What the hell?" is all Gajeel is able to say. You try not to smile at the astonishment in his voice.

"Leave this place or she gets it." the voice said, there wasn't any sign that they wouldn't do exactly as they said, no hint of sympathy in their voice at all.

Gajeel puts his hands up in the air, "ok ok I'm leaving he says as he begins to walk towards you down the path to the town. When he is right next to you and the guy holding you captive he punches him in the stomach and you drop to the ground. The blade cutting your cheek a little as it slips out of his grasp.

Gajeel quickly knocks the guy out and helps you stand up, "you ok?" he asks.

"Yeah I'm fine," 

"You sure?"

"Yeah just got a little scratch thats all." you say smiling.

A group of men appear from the bushes infant of you both. It looks like the other members of the band of thieves have turned up you thought to yourself. "Hey," gajeel said, "don't get yourself hurt."

You smiled at his words and realised that he wasn't all that bad after all, "the same goes to you." you reply as you get into a fighting stance.

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