Chapter 28

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I opened the door

~POV Leah~

Y/n got up and opened the door

I was looking for my phone when Y/n walked in

"Fuck fuck fuck" She said


"We need to leave in 10 minutes" She said and grabbed her phone


"Hurry Leah" She said while dressing herself

I looked at my phone


"Oh my god"

"I'll see you downstairs" She said and ran out of my room

We arrived at the airport an hour later

"Did you even get some sleep?" Y/ns mom asked

"No mom" Y/n said

"How come?"

"I was watching a movie and- and then an other one and-"

"Watching a movie? Yes sure" Her brother said sarcastically

"Shut up"

"You really look like a mess" Her brother said

"Thanks for reminding me" She said and sat down next to me

About an hour later

"You can sit next to Y/n" Y/ns mom said and smiled at me

~POV Y/n~

My mom sat down next to me

"Mom I want to ask you something about Leah but you need to be-" my eyes landed on Leah

"What are you doing here?" I said

"I can leave"

"No, it's fine, just ignore what I said"

She nodded

"Are you coming back to arsenal?" She asked

I shook my head no

"Are you coming back to England?"

"Not to play football"

"Are you staying at Bayern?" She asked

I nodded

"But you don't even like Germany"

"How do you know?"

"Georgia told me" Leah said

"I like England more but I'm not leaving"

"Maybe I should move to Germany" She said and laughed

"No don't do that"

"But I miss you"

"That's stupid Leah, don't move to Germany just because you miss me"

"It's not stupid"

"You should stay at Arsenal"

"Why are you not coming back?"

"Leah I'm staying at Bayern" I said

"I just want you to know that I really miss you"

"I miss you too but this is the best for the both of us"

"That's just stupid"

"It's not Leah, i don't want to be in a long distance relationship"

"Why not? You're not even giving it a tr-"

Leah Williamson x Y/n Where stories live. Discover now