
We watched as Katara and Pakku were battling, I was cheering on Katara. I would've helped but it would've been unfair to Pakku. Her necklace ended up falling off as she ran to pick it up he took it. His face turned shocked as he lightly caressed the necklace, seemingly deep in thought as if he missed someone. He handed her the necklace back, she snatched it and put it on now feeling more secure.

"How did you get that necklace?"

"It was my mother's which was given to her by my gran gran."

Pakku seemed as though he the connected dots, putting two puzzle pieces together. He explained how he was the one who made that for Katara's gran gran and how they had actually been married and had a child. But when the fire nation came she fled with her kid as a promise she made to him in order to keep their only daughter safe. He looked over at Sokka and me and squinted.

"You look very familiar."

"She used to live here!" Aang beamed.


He asked unsurely, I nodded my head as I stepped forward now next to Katara. "What's happening?" I whispered to Katara as he excused himself to get something supposedly very important. "I'm not sure.. but I have a grandpa how exciting is that!?" She spoke happily. I sighed and smiled at her, happy that she has more family. He came back and motioned Sokka to come over, Sokka now stood next to me as Aang was trying to peek behind us.

 He came back and motioned Sokka to come over, Sokka now stood next to me as Aang was trying to peek behind us

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"No way..." Sokka whispered.

"My mom is your mom!?" Katara squealed.

"I have a family!?" I almost cried.

I tried holding back my tears but I couldn't, I quickly pulled everyone into a group hug including Aang. "You guys have no idea how much I was hoping I had family left." I sobbed. Pakku rubbed circles on my back trying to help calm me down, Katara and Sokka squeezed me in the hug. "We've always seen you as a sister." Sokka spoke. We separated from the hug and I now had a huge smile plastered on my face.

"And of course, Aang is part of our family now too."

Katara smiled as she patted his back noticing how he felt awkward and a little jealous. Though this action made him relax and smile.


"I'm going to go get more wood." Sokka grumbled as he walked off making Katara and I look at each other confused.

"What's up with him?" I asked.

"Not sure." Katara shrugged.

After a while, Sokka came back running and stumbling with a small pile of wood in his hands. Excitement was plastered on his face. "Sokka? What happened?" Aang asked noticing his arrival. "It's Dad! I found his boat on the shore! He must be nearby we have to find him!" I've never seen him so excited. Katara quickly stood up now just as excited as him. She agreed and grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Come on! He's your dad now too!" She smiled sweetly.

I nodded as Aang, Katara, and I followed Sokka. We found the boat causing Katara to become ecstatic. We looked around nearby to see if there was a camp set up and the boat for any clues. "What are you guys looking for?" An unfamiliar voice spoke, followed by Sokka and Katara yelling "Dad!" I stood next to Aang feeling a little awkward but still happy for them. Katara looked up at her dad and motioned her hand to point at Aang.

"This is Aang, he's the avatar and we've been helping him learn the elements so he can end the war."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Aang." He tried to bow but Sokka and Katara were still hugging him.

"And this is (Y/n), she's a water bender like me but she can also fire bend. She's our half-sister."

"Half-sister?" He asked confused.

Katara showed him the family tree Grandpa Pakku gave us. He looked at me and smiled opening his arms. "Welcome to the family, you look just like your mother." I smiled and accepted the hug.

23 May

Dear Journal,

Today has been very...eventful to say the least. We made it to the northern water tribe, my old home. Next, we're on our way to find Aang an earth-bending master.

While we visited my old home we got to meet the king and queen, and had dinner with them, Sokka flirted with the princess. And then we found out they have an old rule where women can't fight.

This is when Katara, Sokka, and I found out we're family because we have the same mom. Then we met their dad...I can't believe I had family still. Maybe that fortune teller was right...will she be right about the other two fortunes she gave me?

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