"Aang! Sokka! There's a fortune teller in the village, we should all go get our fortune done! It'll be fun!" Katara seemed excited about the fortune teller.

We all arrived at the fortune teller's place and waited in the waiting room. A girl about Aang's age came in and severed us some snacks as we waited. Katara went first once the fortune teller was ready then Aang excused himself to the bathroom. "We always end up alone together." Sokka spoke as if he was half complaining. "Is that bad?" I asked looking at him, daring him to say it was. "No no, I'm just saying it happens a lot. Might as well use the time to get to know each other." Sokka tried defending himself.

"I was just messing around with you."

"That's not funny."

"Oh come on, it was funny."

"Ok, it was a little funny."

"So how old are you Sokka? I realized I never got your guys' age."

"I'm 15, Katara is 14 and Aang is 12..well, 112 if you want to be specific. How old are you?"


I smirked, knowing he would hate not being the oldest in the group. And I was right, as soon as I said my age his face shifted, he looked butthurt. "The fortune teller is ready to see you now." The little girl spoke to me as Katara walked out of the room looking like her life was the best. Aang came back from the bathroom as soon as I walked into the room. "Please, have a seat." And so I sat down, the room was dimly lit and there was a small fire with bones next to them.

"What reading would you like? Love? Family? Life?"

"Uhm.. if you could do all three that would be great.." I nervously smiled hoping I wasn't asking for too much.

"Of course. We'll start with love, pick any bone."

I stared at the bones and picked the one my gut told me to pick. She tossed it into the fire, waited, then fished it out with a stick. She began to read the cracks. "You are going to have a complicated love but once met at the right time, all will settle down nicely." What does that even mean? I then picked a bone for family. "What was once lost will come back as it was never truly gone." Does this mean I have family somewhere? Lastly, I picked a bone for life. "You will live a full life full of adventures and self-healing." That I already knew...

"Thank you so much." I bowed then left.

Aang got his done next then Sokka got his by Katara pressuring him into doing it because she wanted to know what his was, even though he didn't believe in them at all. He came back and we all shared our readings to see if we could figure each other's out. By this time, the fortune teller left and gone to the center of the village. A large crowd formed around her so we joined out of curiosity. She pulled out a scroll and stared at the clouds, looking at them for a while she looked back at her scroll.

"The village is safe for another year."

She spoke out causing the crowd to cheer, Sokka was busy trying to convince people there's only science to believe. Aang looked worried so I nudged his arm to get his attention. "What's the matter?" I asked looking down at him, Katara looked over at Aang and noticed his worried look. "She's wrong. I went to the volcano earlier today to help someone and the lava is so close to erupting." This now made Katara and I worried as Sokka in the back overheard and yelled saying he told us so.

"We have to let her know." Katara spoke as she dragged Aang towards the fortune teller.

Once again I was left alone, I turned and began to look for Sokka. After a short search, I found him bothering a person about how they should believe science over fiction. I tapped his shoulder to get his attention, he turned to face me. Once he did that, the person he was talking to took this opportunity to run away. "Can't you see I'm busy debating with- hey where'd he go!? Now look what you did, you drove him away!" Sokka whined once he noticed the guy had run away from him.

"Uhm, I'm pretty sure YOU drove him away."

"No way! It was totally you're fault!"

"How!? I didn't even do anything!"

"You did too!"

Sokka and I went back and forth bickering as if we were siblings. As we were bickering the ground began to violently shake and ash began to rain down. We stopped arguing and looked around, "Oh no..ash.." I mumbled as I held my hand out, ash fell onto my hand and I looked at it. "Everything will be ok, we got Aang now." Sokka spoke as he put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. "You're right, but we should find Katara and help him." Sokka agreed so we ran to find them as the villagers were all panicking.

We found them and came up with a plan, Sokka takes all the people away from the lava, while us benders try to save the village. "Do you think you can bend the lava away!?" Katara asked nervously as she used water to put out the lava keeping it from flowing to town. Aang was doing the same thing as he would air bend to redirect it. "No! It's more of an earth element than it is fire! It's mostly melted rocks." I explained as I would bend the steam into water to reuse.

We successfully made trenches to redirect the lava with the help of Sokka and the villagers. So we had to leave the rest to Aang who was going to the top of the volcano. We all watched as Aang went into the avatar state and bent the biggest boulder I've ever seen and used it to plug up the volcano. The lava stopped and the ash stopped, Aang came back down and the village celebrated.

20 May

Dear Journal,

Today has been crazy, maybe one of the craziest days of my life. So far. Yesterday Katara stole a water-bending scroll from pirates which resulted in her getting kidnapped by them because they teamed up with Zuko.

Seeing Zuko as I saved him was weird, it was like he got angrier. I hope he doesn't think I betrayed him.. Anyways, today we stopped at a village to take a break. We got our fortunes read which mine was confusing.

Love - You are going to have a complicated love but once met at the right time, all will settle down nicely.

Family - What was once lost will come back as it was never truly gone.

Life - You will live a full life full of adventures and self-healing.

I already know the last one because I'm currently living it but the other two confuse me so far. Another thing that happened was us helping the village from their volcano erupting. I got to witness Aang go into the avatar state, it was such a cool sight to see.

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