CHAPTER TWENTY TWO - who knew lorcan could be a softie and fenrys so wise

Start from the beginning

Once they were far away enough that she had no doubt the others wouldn't be able to eavesdrop, she turned to face him. He looked curious by the situation, and when she brought her arms to her middle, in an uneasy gesture meant to bring her comfort -and terribly failing- he only raised his eyebrows. Unimpressed. Unbothered.


She took a breath, "I fucked up"

"No shit," He muttered, bemused.

"No, I mean I really fucked up" She enunciated her words.

He sighed. "Alright, what happened?"

She looked away from him, heat creeping up her neck and cheeks. Unsurprisingly, she felt her body begin to sweat. "I may have..."

"You may have..." He urged her on, impatiently.

Her eyes fell shut in shame. "I kissed Rowan"

When her confession was met with silence, she popped one of her eyes open to peek at the male. Lorcan's expression was one of complete shock. His eyes were wide, and his lips had fallen open, forming a stunned, silent o . Stupefied.

Lorcan blinked. Once. Twice. He cleared his throat as he tried to compose himself. "You...what?"

She groaned. "I kissed him"

" You, " He pointed at her with his finger for good measure. "Kissed him . Rowan" The astonishment in his voice was quite insulting.

"Yes, that's what I said"

"And he kissed you back?" His voice had grown even more amazed.

"Yes," She gritted through her teeth. Was that so hard to believe? She wondered to herself.

A taunting smile tugged at his lips, "Then what is the problem? Did you wake me up just to tell me the dirty details? Because if you did I don't want to hear them. But Fenrys will"

Isabella pinched the bridge of her nose. "One, you were not sleeping. I may not have your sharpened senses but even I can recognize your fake snores to the real ones" She stared at him, and as he opened his mouth, indignantly, she raised her hand to stop him in his tracks. "And two, the problem is that it was a mistake"

He looked at her as one would a little child. "How can that be a mistake? You did not trip and your lips fell on his. You were not hallucinating and mistook him for someone else" He was counting with his fingers as he spoke.

Before he could continue, she stopped him. "I know . But it was still a mistake"

"Why?" He crossed his arms over his chest, as if ready to refute all of her arguments.

"Because it shouldn't have happened" She tried to explain.

Lorcan cocked his head to the side. "Why?" He repeated.

"Because..." Her throat closed and she felt her eyes burn with unshed tears.

He dropped his arms, and she could have sworn he sounded almost...fearful as he asked. "Did you not want to?" Isabella shook her head and looked up to the starry night sky. "Then, what is it?" His voice was as soft as Lorcan could get this time.

She pressed her palms to her eyes, as if the action could ward her eyes from crying. "I shouldn't have kissed him because we are friends"

Lorcan snorted. "Friends kiss each other all the time"

She allowed her hands to fall as she raised an eyebrow. "Truly," Her voice was exasperated and full of sarcasm. "I had no idea,"

He shrugged, his demeanour back to one of relaxation. Perhaps, even enjoyment. "I see no problem in friends becoming lovers"

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