Chapter 69: Terminus

Start from the beginning

Without waiting for a response, (Y/n) led Zatanna out of the room and brought her to the ER. She tried to protest and say that she's fine, but her voice was still weak and she could barely get a few words out.

Zatanna: "I-I'm... fine."

(Y/n): "You're almost as bad as me when it comes to lying about injuries. You are going to stay here and have your neck looked at by someone who won't lie about the damage."

The magician groaned in annoyance and slumped down in a chair. (Y/n) sat beside her and less than a minute later Zatanna was leaning on him and resting her head on his shoulder.

The waiting room was crowded, almost every seat was full and the hospital staff were running around like crazy.

(Y/n) couldn't help but notice people staring at them. Zatanna's magician uniform was covered in dust and small cuts while his combat gear was slightly worse off. Dry blood was splattered all across his chest and hands but he couldn't care less, he just wanted to sit down and rest.

Fortunately the staff at Gotham city had grown used to dealing with large catastrophes and the wait time was less than an hour.

Soon the pair were led to a small room and Zatanna was forced to lay down on the hospital bed after groaning and pouting like a toddler.

Nurse: "A doctor will be with you shortly."

(Y/n): "Thank you nurse."


*Western Mongolia*

Deep inside Vandal Savage's lair, the Light is in the middle of a heated discussion. Every member but Gretchen Goode was present, communicating through computer monitors.

Vandal is closely monitoring the discussion but talking little. The recent events have forced them to re-evaluate their plans and ensure none of their operations are harmed in the backlash towards the Black Tusk.

Luthor: "It stands to reason that the Black Tusk was the largest group within the American Government and they appear to be defeated."

Queen Bee: "On a similar note, the Division appears to be finished. Its agents are scattered and their bases are destroyed. Not to mention the public will blame them for letting the Black Tusk get out of control, after all, it was (Y/n) who requested the JTF be formed in the first place."

Deathstroke: "It will take the Division a long time to recover, if they are even able to at all. Now onto our more pressing issue. We went to a lot of trouble to place Tara Markov with the heroes."

Ultra Humanite: "There is no way we would honor Jace's terms, even in trade for Halo. But Jace didn't and still doesn't know that."

Deathstroke: "I gave Tara an antidote chip before Jace could take her, so that the Markov's could believably break free on their own. Keeping both exactly where we want them."

Ultra Humanite: "That may soon be irrelevant. It's no wonder Darkseid insisted you give him Halo. The galactic balance of power will shift irreversibly once Granny hands over this living key to the Anti-Life equation."

Savage was shocked. He snapped the small tablet in his hands as fear gripped his body.

Savage: "We must ensure Halo never reaches Darkseid. We need to break her free."

Ultra Humanite: "That could start an all out war with Apokolips, and we are in no position to win that conflict."

Savage: "I'll handle it. We still have a few cards left to play."

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