*¬*Chapter Twelve*¬*

Start from the beginning

That I've lost yet another person I had begun to care about.

I keep roaring with hurt, listening that the very floors of this room groan under my feet. Swell until they're near bursting from the pressure of my powers. Wave after wave of dark power oozes from me, until I can feel the beginnings of exhaustion creep along my spine.

A knock at the door has me reigning in my power, the destruction and chaos that's visible in this room fixes itself with a flick of my wrist. Not a trace of the destruction I made just seconds ago. The knock comes again. Sighing, I straighten my shoulders, then walk towards the door. Opening it, I pause when I see Tara standing there. "Oh, Miss Tara. Is everything alright?" She stands there, regarding me, her eyes are critical; almost like she's judging me. It's gross. Clearing her throat, she bats her lashes at me, flicks her hair over her shoulder then says, "Yes, I was just wondering if we could go for a stroll? It's a lovely day today, and since the final tournament is approaching, I figured it would be nice to get to know you a bit more... personally." The way she ends that, so suggestively, it makes my skin crawl. Ignoring her tone, I bow my head slightly and murmur, "Of course. Let me just grab my coat and I'll meet you by the door." She smiles brightly, her face illuminating like a child in a candy store. It makes me ill to think that she could possibly be one of the people I choose to be my bride.

Closing the door, I stride for my closet and grab my coat. Sliding it on, I then re-open the door and walk briskly down the hallway, down the stairs, and pause at the front doors where Tara is eagerly waiting.

Putting on my shoes, I offer her the crook of my elbow and say, "Shall we?" Squealing, Tara loops her hand through my elbow and presses herself tightly against me. But it's not her I wish I was doing this with, it's not her my body seems to be crying out for. No, it's not, but the one that I want; she's never going to be here again.

Our stroll has been going on for almost an hour. Tara and I are walking the perimeter of the grounds, seeing the sights and listening to nature. I turn to suggest that perhaps we go visit the people in town but the look she gives me is one of displeasure. "I'd much rather not, but since you're the High Lord of this Kingdom I guess it's your duties to see them. At least I have good company with me."

"Hmm." I reply. Striding for the gates, I see Tam waiting there. He nods at our approach and proceeds to open the gates, "Morning Lord Morningsong, how are you on this fine day?"
I smile, "Morning Tam. I'm alright. How are you? How's the family?" Tam gives a small smile, his eyes sad. "I could be better, sir. Thank you for your concern however." I notice that he doesn't answer the second question, but I know better than to push. He'll tell me when he's ready. Reaching out, I squeeze his arm then say, "This is Tara, she's a member of the Bloodshed Kingdom." Tam gives her a bow, "How do you do, Miss?"

Tara sneers at him, giving him a look that states she thinks he's beneath her. Turning up her nose, Tara huffs and looks away. Tam simply shakes his head, mutters, "I liked the other one better" then turns so that he's facing the palace.

So did I. I think but then proceed onwards toward my people. The gate closing behind us suddenly feels too loud, but I must keep a straight face. I must not let anyone know just how badly I'm hurting. I'll never live it down if I don't. Together, Tara and I walk towards the city that is a few minutes walk from my home. The city is beautiful, filled with colour and laughter and life. The outside world tends to think of this place as evil, dark, and horrible but that's because of the facade I've had to play. I've had to continue on the legacy that was created many centuries ago.

The truth is that this city, is the opposite. Children run freely in the street, adults chat and laugh with each other. Store fronts are full with baked goods, reading supplies, art materials, clothes, little nick nacks, and any other necessities needed to live. My city is filled with beautiful people of all shapes and sizes, there's no discrimination here. To the outside world they view my world as evil, that my people are tortured and harmed.

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