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They pushed me in the shut the door. The car was nice looking. But what made me glad was that it had two rows of seats. She was on the passenger side on the second row. So she was facing forwards. They pushed me in on the driver's side so I just sat on the first row. Which means I'm facing the back of the car. I could feel her gaze constantly on me. This caused me to try and merge w/ the door. She suddenly starts to chuckle.

"Sweetness~! You know you don't have to look so scared!" She laughs out. I don't respond and keep my head down. "You know. I almost killed that dude. You know the one that hired you to kill me. The cops were on us and bad. I thought he sold us out. Then the people who we found that were also your clients started to get found out. But then we noticed only the ones that were helping us find you were getting found. We barely survived all that chaos. But those who helped us weren't as lucky. They were all arrested. To think an assassin could cause this much trouble. Best part is you did such a great job hiding who gave them the info and who you were that we had the hardest time finding you." She says.

"..." Listening to all this I start to shake. This is the first time since being taken by that bastard of an alpha that I was scared to the point I shook. I heard a shuffle come from her direction and looked over at her slightly. She moved closer to me. I immediately tried to gain some space.

"Am I really all that scary?" She asks. Instead of sounding amused I could have sworn she sounded a bit hurt. But that's just crazy. She has a reputation of killing kids that dare to look in her direction! Why on Earth would she be upset that I'm scared?


I stiffen when I hear her growl. It's been said that someone thought she was asking them something and tried to answer but was killed as soon as they opened their mouth. She then said if I don't give you permission to talk them stay quiet! So I have absolutely no idea why she would growl all of the sudden.

"Answer my question!" She roars. I take that as permission to talk not wanting her get any more pissed.

"Y- y- your r- rep- reputation would strike f- fear in a g- god. A- and I- I- I doubt I'm on y- your good s- si- ide." I stutter out. I hear her take a sharp breath in the tense. I start to shake harder. She lets out a long and deep sigh.

"I guess you not answering me right away then is because of what you heard about last time someone assumed they could talk?" She asks. I nod quickly and rapidly. "Heh! Listen to me while in this car right now when I ask you something you answer w/ your voice. The only time you're allowed not to is if you don't understand what I asked you. Got it?" She says. I went to nod but stopped myself.

"Y- yes." I say.

"Look at that. Already learning." She says sounding pleased. I kept my head down and was still trying to merge w/ the door. I didn't dare try to leave while she was in the car. Not to add she was staring at me so intently. "Now. I want you to explain exactly why you accepted that job." She says.

"..." I have no idea what she meant or which job. Yeah even in hiding I accepted jobs when I was w/ that crew I would accept small jobs that could be done quickly.

"What can't you understand? Here why did you accept your last job?" She asks. My eyes widened.

"I- I didn't know I was killing one of y- your men! I- if I kn- knew I would have never a- accepted!" I rush out.

"What do you mean?" She says.

"I- is that not w- what you were asking about?" I ask now even more confused. Then I froze. "W- wait I'm s- sorry for d- daring to ask you a question!" I shoot out realizing my mistake.

"That's fine. But I asked about your last mission." She says.

"T- that was my last one." I answer.

"Explain." She says.

"I- I still did j- jobs even after I went into hiding." I say.

"Oh? No wonder you were confused. I knew if you were able to hide and get away from my men for so long and even get the cops to slow us you couldn't be that stupid to not understand. But if you had jobs after then it makes sense." She says. I shuffle in my seat a bit. "I meant why did you accept the job to kill me. I mean he said that he didn't offer you much." She says.

"He brought it up but I didn't refuse automatically. I- I ask for the p- pay and..." I stop and turned my head farther away from her.

"And what?" She asks.

"H- he said he'd give me half of everything he has a- and let me keep anything I carried out of y- your base." I answer.

"That's a lot more than he said. Looks like he tried to use you as a scapegoat. That's all for now." She says. She moved up to the first row and I jumped. She turned to me I shook harder. She sighs then knocks on the glass. "Let's get moving." She says. Afterwards she moves back and takes her previous seat. I calm down a bit. "You know you're probably safer in this car then if you were in my base. So you really shouldn't be so scared." She says. I don't know if she wanted a response or not so I stayed silent but was even more scared. I turned and looked out the window. Then I heard a click and the window went black. "Can't risk you knowing where to go if you tried to escape." She said. It would be a lie if I said I wasn't scared shitless right now.


The car abruptly stopped.

"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!?" She roared. Froze at hearing her.

"B- boss! T- the cops a- are stopping c- cars and searching them." Someone says as the glass rolls down. I never thought I'd be so glad to hear about cops in my life.


"DON'T! Even think you're safe for a second now that there's cops!" She says.

*Knock. Knock.*

"Hello officer. How may I help you?" Someone up front asks.

"First roll down the passenger window." The cop says. I hear the window roll down.

"Hey there miss. Are you ok?" The officer asks. I think it's the one on the passenger side. I stay quiet as if I didn't hear him.

"Can everyone please get out of the vehicle. This is for our safety for when we check." The other officer says. The leader opens her door first and the others follow. I tried to open the door closest to me but it wouldn't open. Realizing my side must have been child lock I got to get out on the other side. Then the door opens. I see it's the officer. I hurry up and get out. I hear a low growl from her. I see that the driver had already went to the other side. I went to go over too but the officer stopped me. I turned and looked at him. Then I smelt that he was a wolf.

"Why did you stop her?" She asks.

"Because she looks like the suspect we're looking for. Height wise anyways. She's going to have to come w/ us." He says. Also yeah I basically always have a mask on. So no one really knows what this assassin looks like.

"Well height alone isn't enough." She states.

"Well then let's see if she's okay w/ coming w/ us." He says and I can sense all eyes on me.

"I- if it's for the greater good then why not?" I say.

"Looks like she's coming w/ us." The cop says.

"No. Who knows she could have felt pressured because you're right there by her." She says.

"Are you refusing to let us do our job miss?" The cop says.

"You know we can hold you for interfering in police business." The other officer says. The officer I'm w/ then takes me to a cop car. I tell him who they are and tell him I was able to obtain info on them. And even told him all the info they received about the crooks came from me. He knew I was telling the truth. He told the other cops and they got arrested and I was put into witness protection. They had a court date and I was on the stand. I told all I knew about them. After the trial they were found guilty but her gaze never left me.

"Heh! Hahaha!" She starts to laugh as the cops come to take her away. "You guys haven't even seen my full power yet! For your sake sleep w/ one eye open! And as for you!" She says looking at me. "You'll never have peace again!" She finishes as they finally were able to drag her away. I gulped. I ran soon after that. I went into the forest and found actual wolves I shifted and thank the goddess we could communicate like actual wolves. I asked to join them and they agreed. This won't be a forever solution but it will be a temporary one and a good one at that.

A lone wolf can be more dangerous than a pack.Where stories live. Discover now