Short lived freedom

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So I was hiding for a month. Next thing I know boss man hits me up.

"What's up?" I answer.

"Can you come back?" He asks. His voice was calm. And he even sounded respectful.

"So you can completely sell me out? No thanks." I respond and hang up. I pack up and move. Yeah the boss man ain't respectful. No matter what. So I'm pretty sure they found him. Wouldn't really surprise me since he can't seem to go under the radar. He was probably biting his tongue so he didn't get shot. I was packed and out the door in 3 minutes tops. I head to the docks and see the normal get aways for crooks are being blocked. We all already know by whose men.

"Are you ok?" I turn and see a ship hand.

"Yeah. I'm just trying to see if I can get any job here. I really need the money." I say in a weak and desperate voice.

"Then come w/ me. The captain is looking for more help. So this works out perfectly." He says. He leads me to the captain I get hired and we set sail. I was able to stay hidden for an extra 5 weeks. We spent weeks at sea w/ no one to get suspicious of me.

"Hey guys I think I might just hunker down here for a bit." I tell them when we get to a new dock. The captain and them agreed. I just avoided the enemy but only by a very thin hair. I waited till they were just about to leave then raced aboard. I dug through some stuff and then I feel the ship take off. I let out a small breath then the door opens.

"Rose?" I gave them a fake name to be safe.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"What are you doing here?"

"I forgot something so I raced back here to get it."

"We already left dock. So sorry but looks like you're staying w/ us for a bit more time at sea." We laugh. We inform the captain and he laughs as well. This bought me an extra 3 weeks. But sadly on the third week I was caught. We docked and were unloading. Then the enemy surrounded me and two people picked me up by my arms and carried me to a car. I was relieved to see their boss wasn't in it. The crew tried to help me. They caused a big commotion and I snuck out the car. I raced off down alley ways and stuff to make sure I wasn't being followed. When I thought I was in the clear I surveyed my environment and saw people closing in. I ran. I went down a few more alley ways but was soon met w/ a dead end. I scanned around quickly and luckily I found a sewer cover under a dumpster. I raced to it and went in the sewers. Listen when you do a job like mine having to run through the sewers is like basic training. I stayed still a waited a while. I didn't want to risk them hearing me when I was walking away. I listened as feet ran in the alley. The stopped and I heard a bunch of confused sounds. I kept hearing steps come closer to me but they left soon after. Yeah the sewer also does a good job in masking my scent. I heard them get on the phone and the person on the other end yelling at them then rushed shuffles leaving the alley. That was way too close. I didn't let out a sigh of relief or anything I stayed tense and alert and walked through the sewers. I found an abandoned house that still had working water. I cleaned up and stayed there for a few days. Crooks had our own news system and stuff. Turns out a day after I left my old hide out was raided. And so was my apartment. Good thing I kept the client details and anything personal that could give me away somewheres else. Other wise I might have been doomed. Once these guys know who you are there is no getting away. I knew I was dead no matter what so I'm taking people down w/ me. I quickly found out if they got to any of my other clients and who they were. Then I got the info and dirt I had on the enemies and gave them to the cops. Then went into hiding. Soon the FBI was involved and the gang that was chasing me was backed into a corner. This gave me more lee way but I couldn't get cocky or sloppy. I made sure to hide somewheres else and only visit homeless hang outs. The homeless are normally ignored and hardly paid any attention to. So I was able to hide pretty well. One day I woke up to something and saw the enemy outside the shelter I was in.

"Shit." I say under my breath. I raced out w/ great stealth. I ran for a bit and found an abandoned subway. I went in and was soon surrounded and greeted by multiple gun points. I started to shake and act like I was innocent. They were starting to buy it when the ringleader's phone buzzed. They then rushed me to a car. I paled when I saw their leader in it.

"Hello..... Sweetness~!"

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