Go Time

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I watched them for months. I had the guys move the car back farther and saw them react. They went searching. They knew the car was there. So I had them leave for a few days. They were tense and on edge during that time. I got the car back and they seemed to... relax at seeing the car again. I decided to strike the day after the car returned. I got my opening and moved in. I maneuvered through the halls swiftly but froze at the main room.


"W- we'll f- f- find them a- and bring t- th- them to y- you immediately!" Someone cowers. It was quiet for a few seconds then a loud Bam! Shook the room. I got out of the way just in time to avoid being spotted. The subordinate raced out and past me. I heard a sharp sniff come from the room and held my breath. The leader came out and was sniffing the air. I took this chance and hit her upside the head. She landed on the ground w/ a thump and was out cold. I dragged her in the room and got some important files. This is like proof and insurance if I failed. I went to finish the job when her eyes snapped opened. I jumped back. The next thing I know the doors slam open and I'm surrounded.

"I would sure like to know who's hiding behind that mask of yours sweetness. Take it off!" She says as she stands up and moves closer to me. I back away and keep my mask on. Her eyes narrowed and I stiffened. I slowly reached into my pocket and dug for a bit. She cocked an eyebrow. I made a motion w/ my free hand of a key unlocking a lock then pointed to my mask. She nodded then continued to watch me. I found what I was looking for and pushed the button.


"The hell!?" The leader asks shocked. I then jump out the window. Now she had a five story base and the main room was at the top. So yeah not a small jump. I had my grappling hook on me so I swung to a rooftop and ran. I got to the get away car and we raced off. I went to the meeting place of the boss man and Bobby boy was looking at me concerned. I slam the doors opened and tossed him the files.

"I didn't kill her but I got info. I still want a payment but not a lot. I kinda need to get out of town now." I say straight to the point. He nods and now I'm on his private jet heading far far away.

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