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The sounds of his heavy footsteps echoed in the dark, eerie alley as he limped he way in. His heavy breaths and stomps and the cheerful chirping of crickets being the only sounds audible.

After stumbling a few more steps in the steep passage and analysing the place with his eyes for a few more seconds, the man finally let his body fall limp on the ground, his eyes immediately shutting close in search of rest and comfort; something he's been craving for days. But the place and condition he was in, didn't help his pulses to relax a bit. And of course being injured, scratch that, being shot didn't help him rest either. So, after a sharp inhale, he again put his brain back to work.

Grabbing a rolled joint from his pant's pocket, he was once again reminded of his bleeding thigh, that had a bullet struck through the bone, which was definitely one of the reason why he struggling to save his life today.

Tearing a piece of cloth from his partially bloodied shirt, he tied it around his wound firmly, wincing widely in the process.

I can't let it be, I need to do something about it. He thought to himself, while gulping the alcohol from the bottle he managed to sneak out of a crowded nightclub, without getting caught.

He chugged the whole bottle down his dry throat, waiting for it to numb the pain he was going through, and emptied the remnants of it on his still fresh and bleeding wound, and winced uncontrollably at the burning sensation.

After dealing with his surprisingly deep wound and mustering up all his courage and will, he stood up, stumbling forth a few steps in the process.

His eyes shone with terror. Pure terror.

He was scared. 

For the first time in his life, he was scared to his bones. Cold sweat glistened his neck and forehead as he looked around, searching for any foriegn presence.

His breathing that earlier was somewhat stable, had now started to get unsteady. He felt weak. He felt dizzy. He felt defeated. He felt as if with every step he took into this extraordinarily dark alley, he strode a step closer to his death.

He could feel it, He could feel his end approaching with every step he advanced, but he didn't stop. He kept on walking further in te dark, foggy pathway, waiting for them to make the slightest movement.

Waiting for her  to make the first move,

but she never did.

Instead, there she stood, at the far end of the alley. Covered in black head to toe, appearing almost ghostly because of the thick fog, but still being visible with the moonlight falling perfectly on her figure. Causing her to look as if she was the one who ruled the hell, the Devil everyone knew and feared.

She seemed still, calm. As calm as a sea. A sea that would swallow biggest of the masses and still be just as calm.

Her stillness was almost machine like. If only she didn't had a burning joint between her blood red lips - that she occasionally puffed out with joy, he would've possibly mistaken her for a statue.

His pupils dialated as he eyed the woman with fear. DANGER.


That was possibly the only word that could  describe her briefly.

A devilish smirk creeped up to her lips as soon as she saw him nearing her. Nearing his death.

Taking the dead joint between her slender fingers, she threw the poor thing on the ground and crushed the lifeless object with the heel of the boot she wore.

The silence there was held still, so still that the man could hear the woman infront, crush the joint below her boot, scratch that, he could even hear his own heart beat.

Soon enough her burning gaze, that earlier rested on the crushed joint, landed on the trembling man standing right infront of her.

And if glaring could kill, he would've possibly died a long time ago.

The man stood rooted to his spot, as if paralyzed, with widened eyes.

"H-How?!-" Was all he managed to murmur but was cut off immediately.

"We meet again, assshole!" The woman in black stated, taking a step forward as the smirk on her face wideneed, causing the man to stumble a few steps back.

"Jesus!" The man whispered to himself in the faintest voice, almost inaudible, not for her ears tho.

"Well well well! Sadly, he won't come to save you honey!" Was what she whispered, her voice threateningly calm.

"He won't mess with the devil herself for an insignificant and sinful soul like you." She added, her voice slightly aggressive but still quite calm for her mood, while striding one last step forward.

"Alright then! That's enough talk for now, hun! Have a good time up in hell, see you there!"

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