You thought you'd see him again, seeing as he seemed to want to, but he never came that spring. You even left a small, ridiculous note at the corner where your signature usually is, asking when he'd come, thinking he'd communicate with you there. But the response never came.

The universe is tricky sometimes. You passed up on coming to the gallery yesterday because you felt dizzy when you woke up. And of all days that your winter night man visits, it's the one where you're here.

"I just figured," Namjoon smiles, picking up your hints. "It's one of mine, too."

"Perhaps we should talk about the complexities of the color, then," you smile back, nodding towards one of the sections in the large patio.

You lead him there, leaving Mr. Hong and his warning gaze and your assistant, whose smirk and teasing laughter makes you glare at her.

"I'm guessing they don't know about you being Blue?" Namjoon asks, feeling a little jittery standing next to you again and being able to see your face much more clearly, your hair tied loosely in a bun and your clothes a nice fit for the cool weather.

"Minji does. She helps me find materials," you respond. "Mr. Hong doesn't. He's not much of a fan of street art."

"That's a bummer, especially since one of the artists creates amazing pieces on buildings and posts and then signs them, then abandons them, and leaves spectators like me to wonder where they'd gone," Namjoon replies, hoping you don't find offense with his tiny jab.

Your chuckle tells him you don't. "You never came."

"I didn't know when to," he defends. "Well, more like, I stopped having the time. That place is so far from where I live and I only walk from my office because I like that time alone and I haven't had that, but then I came back in the summer but you—"

"You don't have to explain," you assure him. "That was a chance meeting and I didn't really expect I'd see you again in the same spot weeks later."

"Did you expect to see me this time?"

"Oh, not at all," you shake your head. "Why are you even here?"

"Why are people ever in art galleries?" He counters. "To check out the art. Maybe chance upon the artists if they're here."

"I guess," you shrug, turning a corner to a small maze of an installation. "You wouldn't have known it was me, though."

"I didn't. I was staring at Untitled 56 and realized I took a photo of Untitled 48," he reveals, earning him a shocked look from you. "It was in LACMA. I saw it a while back. The name rang a bell because I don't know anything about you. You leave so much to the imagination, Ms. Lee. There's nothing about y—"

"It's Han," you correct him, feeling comfortable now. "I mean, Han ___. Samantha Lee is another pseudonym. Or like a stage name. You know, like you?"

You bite your lip at the slip-up, not wanting him to be uncomfortable at the thought that you clearly know who he is. But he just nods, affirming that he now knows that you know who he is, but he smiles right after, his eyes turning into the smallest, prettiest crescents and his dimples framing his strong-featured face that makes him even more handsome.

"I suppose you're right," he hums. "But why blue? And why Samantha Lee?"

"It's the simpler version of my favorite color. Aegean blue is too complicated to sign every time," you chuckle. "And Samantha Lee... Well, she was my roommate back in college and she once told me she wanted to be famous and the only way that could happen is if I used her name as a pseudonym. I had a crush on her so I agreed."

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