The New Dawn

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(I'm sorry for not writing- my motivation is non existent but I'm trying bdkjbvkjfbvd-)

It's been a couple months since Sunblast disappeared, and the city has come to the conclusion that he's been defeated. You didn't know how this could happen, since Sunblast was one of the strongest heroes you knew, sure he would get beat down but he always made it out, with your help sometimes. 

Either way, the point is that Atreno now doesn't have a protector, which could be bad when it comes to Villains. That was until a news report came onto your TV, it was something about a new reality TV show. The more you watched, the more surprised you became. It turns out this show is like a competition of some sort, and its goal was to find a replacement for Sunblast as Atreno's Protector.

You were surprised by how quickly they decided to start looking for a replacement, sure you didn't really like Sunblast a whole lot, but you found it ridiculous on how quickly everyone seems to be moving on. You weren't sure how people were going to prove themselves as a better protector for the city- you decided not to stick around any longer. 

You decided to go outside for some fresh air, it was pretty hot in your apartment and you didn't feel like getting boiled today. You weren't sure what you were going to do- maybe you could browse some stores or something. 

~Time Skip~

You were standing in a shady spot on a sidewalk, just looking down at your phone. You couldn't really think of anything to do today, so you resorted to social media. You haven't heard anything about this 'New Dawn' thing yet, but it was still pretty new so you didn't think anything would happen.

That's what you thought anyways. 

You suddenly heard a loud crash in the store next to you, making you jump. You were about to run into the store to see what was going on, but you stopped when someone ran out. They had a shadowy appearance, something you recognised. It was Penumbra.

You didn't bother chasing after her, so you went into the store to see what happened. One of the store shelves was tipped over onto the floor, there was a hero stuck under it. You didn't know his name, but he seemed pretty beat up. You assumed it had something to do with 'The New Dawn', maybe he was going after Penumbra?

You did whatever you could to help the guy out from under the shelf, one thought in your mind.

This was going to get chaotic real fast.

( sorry for the shortness- don't really have many ideas or motivation- ;-;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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