The Sun is Defeated

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You were in your apartment again, it was a couple days after the incident with Sunblast and Penumbra, and you were just trying to process what you did. You saved a villain, and no doubt multiple other heroes have heard about it by now. You haven't been questioned or bombarded by news crews about it on the street, so maybe the news hasn't spread that far.

Either way you were a bit on edge from it all, you didn't want to be seen as a villain, or get arrested for it. Really all you can do is just- wait and carry on. Nothing was really happening today, pretty peaceful.

You were actually getting tired and was planning to take a nap. You were about to lay down in your bed but someone in the corner of your eye got your attention. You looked out the window and saw someone familiar.

It was Penumbra walking down the street, she had her black umbrella over her head. You couldn't really tell, but she looked- annoyed? On top of that she seemed pretty roughed up. Maybe she got in a fight with another hero? Probably Sunblast again.

You felt your eyes get heavier, and you sat down on your bed. You yawned and laid down. The last thing you heard before you went to sleep was loud TV static and a scratchy voice outside.


You didn't know what happened, you just got up and put on your hero costume in a panic. It had been only a little over an hour into your nap and you were woken up by screams and things exploding.

Now you were running over to where the commotion was, your eyes widened when you saw Sunblast's statue, seeing that it was now missing its head.

You kept running, finally getting over to the source of the noise. You saw some destroyed buildings, neon paint everywhere, small flames, and oddly enough a couple snakes.

Everybody seemed calmed down, but some were still shaken up. You tried asking a couple cops about what happened, but all they said was that Sunblast had it covered and to not worry.

You were getting annoyed, why wouldn't they tell you anything? You were about to walk off to go see if everyone was okay, but you felt a tap on your arm. You turned around and saw it was a little boy.

"I know what happened!" The boy said "I can tell you!"

You crouched down a little bit, slightly surprised that anybody would tell you. You nodded down at him, a sign to tell him to continue.

"3 Villains came through and started causing chaos," he said "then Sunblast came and tried to stop them but he was getting beat up bad!"

"But then something happened to the lady that was beating him, and then he flung them across the city and followed them!"

"I see." you mumbled, nodding "Thanks, kid."

You stood up straight, deciding to stay here and go help anybody that might be hurt or help with repairs. It's the most you could do.

You had no idea where Sunblast could be, but for once in your life you were slightly concerned. You weren't sure if he would come back or not, since you didn't know how powerful these villains could be.

You just hoped he'd at least come back alive.


It was nighttime now, you did your best with helping with repairs and now you were about to cross the street over to your apartment.

But the sudden flash of the TVs in the shop window turning on stopped you. Those things seem to have a mind of their own.

You watched as a news report came up on the screen, the reporter talked about how Sunblast was gone and that he was defeated.

You couldn't believe it, but it was true.

The Sun of Atreno is gone, and there's nothing you could do.

Heroism is Overrated. (Villainous x reader)Where stories live. Discover now