The Fight

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You were in your apartment, it was your off day today. Well, heroes don't really get off days, but these are one of those days where you don't want to do anything unless it's very important or you have to. So, you were sitting on your couch, just watching TV, nothing really specific, just something random you found interesting.

So far today seemed pretty peaceful, nothing from the heroes you work with, no villains or suspicious activity, just a normal sunny day in Atreno. You were gonna go out sometime today, soak in the sun, maybe browse in a couple shops, you didn't know quite yet. You were surprised that Sunblast hasn't busted through the door yet to be annoying again, but you were also glad, all those repairs were expensive.

Although, you bet that those huge houses/bases that your hero allies had were way more expensive. You've only been to one, you forgot her name but you just remembered how pink her house was. You didn't find out till later on that it was 1 of 23 houses she had. You always wondered why on earth someone would need that many.

But in the end, you were happy with the apartment you lived in currently, but one day maybe you would get a house.


It was later in the day now, you had went out and walked around the city for a bit. In the end, you got bored and tired of walking around, so you decided to get into your hero costume and watch around the city.

You were currently sitting on the roof of a random building, enjoying the view. The city was nice, colourful, and overall just a good place. Although, sometimes late at night you would hear static outside, across from your apartment there was a store with a bunch of TVs in a window, and they would randomly turn on. You never saw what was on the screens, but you would always hear a scratchy voice from them.

You jumped when you heard a loud noise in the distance, not like a gun, but almost like someone hitting the ground very hard. You stood up and started jumping from roof to roof, heading towards where the noise was.

Soon enough you got to the end of the long line of rooftops, you looked over the edge into the park, scanning over the trees and grass to see if you can find anything or anyone.

Soon enough you came across Sunblast, but he was holding someone up by their coat. You also saw a heap of destroyed metal behind him, almost like he destroyed some kind of machine. After a bit of trying to get your eyes to focus, you saw that the person Sunblast was holding up was a woman, and she seemed pretty beaten up.

You recognised her, you knew she was a villain. You didn't really remember her name. You knew this was bad, Sunblast had a look on his face that made it obvious he seemed to be having fun.

You took a deep breath and jumped off the roof, it wasn't too tall so it wasn't too bad of a fall. You never thought of doing this, so you didn't know why you were doing it now. But you were gonna go save the villain, for all we know Sunblast could kill her, given how buff he was and how small the villain was compared to him.

You were probably gonna get in trouble for this, but you didn't care. Everyone in this city was stupid anyway, you were sure you could think of something to get you out of it.

You started running across the park to Sunblast, thinking of something to do to stop him. Soon, a light bulb popped over you're head, metaphorically of course, and you took a deep breath.

Once you were at a good position, you took a leap and punched Sunblast across the face, making him stumble and drop the villain to the ground in the process.

You stood in the middle of them, letting the villain get up and to make sure Sunblast doesn't try to get her again. Once Sunblast recovered from the punch, he glared at you.

"What's your problem?!" He yelled, rubbing the area you punched, you saw that a bruise was starting to form.

"My problem is how you were treating her," you said, pointing back at the villain behind you "it's understandable to keep fighting if she was still struggling, but you kept going, even when she gave up!"

"So you're defending villains now?!" Sunblast asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I never said that. I'm simply trying to stop you before you cause any permanent damage or worse to her."

"So what if she gets hurt?!" Sunblast yelled, more angry now "She's a villain! A bad guy! It's our job to stop her!"

"I never said it wasn't!" You yelled back, getting annoyed, "but it starts getting out of hand when you seem like you're about to kill them"

"So what if!-" Sunblast tried to retort, but you interrupted him before he could, "You seem to forget that heroes aren't supposed to kill people, even an experienced hero like you should know."

Sunblast huffed, not having anything to say. You smirked a bit, knowing that you won this argument. You grabbed onto the villain's arm, not hard but a normal grip.

"Now if you excuse me, I'm going to turn her in," you said, glaring at Sunblast, "just so you can't get her."

With that, you starting pulling the villain away. All that was a lie, you weren't going to turn her in, you didn't know why, but you just- didn't want to. Once you were out of Sunblast's view, you took the villain down into a dark alleyway.  Solely because you wanted to stay out of sight and because the villain was an umbra. You didn't know much about them, but you did know that they take up 20% of Atreno's population and that they're extremely sensitive to sunlight, almost like a vampire. You always felt bad for umbras, since they always had to cover up on hot sunny days, which must've been miserable. 

The villain was understandably confused, she had pale skin and grey eyes. Her hair was like smoke, literally, it was black and slightly transparent and overall just- looked like smoke. She was also wearing a scientist coat, along with purple gloves, whether it be a fashion thing or to keep her from burning up, or both. 

"what're you doing?" she asked, "aren't you going to turn me in?"

you sighed, shaking your head. "No, no I'm not going to turn you in" you responded, "I'm letting you go." 

She was shocked to say the least, but she then narrowed her eyes at you. She crossed her arms and gave you a suspicious look. "why?" she asked, "is this some sort of trick to get my guard down?"

You shook your head again, then shrugged. "It's not a trick," you said "but this feels right."

She raised her eyebrow at you, you took that as her telling you to continue. "I know it's wrong, considering that I'm a hero working with Sunblast and all them," you said "but I wasn't going to stand there and let you get hurt severely or worse."

"You already seem to go through enough," you continued "since you're already very sensitive to light and all that"

"I don't need your pity." she scoffed, but you stopped her and continued.  

"I'm being genuine," you said "It must be hard not being able to enjoy normal days, especially when you're categorised as a villain. I just cant help but feel bad, I'm not sure how else to word it."

She seemed unamused at first, but eventually her gaze softened up a bit. She sighed, uncrossing her arms. "You're the first person that seems to have sympathy for us," she said "I didn't expect to hear that today, let alone from a hero."

You smiled, enjoying that she seemed to be appreciative of your words."You seem to be one of the only heroes I know that has a brain." she continued, "anyways, I have to thank you for saving me from Sunblast, that knucklehead never takes a second to listen to people."

You nodded, smiling at her, "You're welcome, Miss..-" "Penumbra" she said, a small smile forming on her face. "You're welcome, Miss Penumbra" you finished, still smiling. 

"Well, I should get going," Penumbra said, pulling an umbrella out of nowhere and holding it over her head. "Goodbye, uh-" "H/N," you said, being careful not to say your real name. "I'm H/N."

"See you around, H/N" Penumbra said, waving at you before walking out of the alleyway, keeping the umbrella over her head. You smiled, feeling good about yourself and what you did today, then finding out a way to get on top of one of the buildings and heading home.

Heroism is Overrated. (Villainous x reader)Where stories live. Discover now