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around 4 hours pass, as my gas light turns on, pointing to a 1/4 tank. "what the fuck" i mumble, banging my palm onto my steering wheel. i see a shells gas station ahead as i pull over by the gas tank. i get out to fill up the car, leaving against it while i wait for it to finish up.

i pull the pump out and place it back onto the rack. i stare at the store, thinking if i should get food. "fuck it." i say, pulling out a 20 from my pocket.

i walk down the isle, looking at the candy. i pick up a sour patch kids and make my way to the drink isle, grabbing a dr pepper. i walk up to the cashier and set my snacks on the counter, "a pack of camels, please." i say while leaning on the counter. he nods and turns around grabbing a pack of cigs, setting them onto the counter.

"id." he mumbles. i hand him my id as he looks at it, then handing it back. he nods as i hand him the 20$ bill.

i shut my car door and unpause my playlist. the song mascara by deftones comes on as i slowly bop my head while pulling out of the gas station.

3 hours later

"holy shit." i mumble as i drive through the crowded city, eyeing the big buildings. i look around for a cafe or a restaurant until a see a small cafe along the side of the street. i parallel park infront of it and grab my phone.

i walk in, slowly and seat myself in a booth. i check the time on my phone that reads 5:28 PM. a waiter comes up to my table, "can i get you started with anything?" she asks. "uh.. i'll take motzerella sticks." i say quietly. "mkay!" she says as she jots down on her notepad, soon walking away.

i look across the room to see a boy who looks around my age looking at me. as we make eye contact, i smile as he smiles softly back, then looking away. his gorgeous black long curly hair caught my eye first.

my face flushes with a light pink as i look down to my hands. the waiter soon comes back with my food. "here ya' go!" she says while setting the food infront of me. "thanks.." i reply.

as i eat my food, i see someone sit down infront of me. it was him, the boy i made eye contact with. i jump slightly, "sorry, did i scare you?" he asks quietly before getting comfortable in his seat. "no, you just caught me off guard." i said with a soft smile. he smiles back.

"i just wanted to say i like your outfit." he says while looking at his hands. "thanks, i like your misfits shirt." i said while eyeing his shirt. "you like the misfits?" he asks with almost a boost of excitement. "of course. i listen to metal mostly though, how about you?" i ask, eating another motz stick.

"duh, slipknot, deftones, slayer, anthrax?" he questions. "my favorites." i said with a smile. he smirks, "im kirk." he says, sticking his hand out. "i'm y/n." i said with a grin, sticking my hand out to shake his. his cold rings met my skin as i watched as he pulled away.

"you from here?" he asks, slouching into his seat, "nope, just got here about 10 minutes ago." i reply with an awkward laugh. "do you need a place to stay? i live in a small apartment down the street." he says with a smile. he looks so adorable, he doesn't seem like the type to kidnap me, right?

i smile, "sure, i dont have any other options." i reply. the waiter comes back, "what can i get started for ya'?" she asks. kirk puts 10$ on the table as she eyes at him before taking it and walking away. i smile at the boy before getting up, and following him out. "where's your car?" he asks, i point to it.

"you drive, i'll tell you when you pull over if it makes you feel safer." he said with a smile, before getting into the passenger seat of my car. i nod and get into my car. as i drive slowly down the street, he suddenly speaks, "here." he says, pointing at the apartment complex next to us.

i parallel park, once again and get out. "i need help if you don't mind.." i say while popping my trunk. "yeah of course." he says while walking to the trunk with me. his eyes widen at the sight of my cherry red gibson sg. "holy shit." he says while looking at it, "shes a beauty, isnt she?" i say while grabbing my backpack and throwing it over my shoulder. "grab my amp." i say while picking up my guitar. "mkay, but why don't you have a case?" he asks while setting my amp down, then shutting the trunk.

"can't afford it." i say while following him into the building, "well, you can borrow mine." he says as we walk up the complex stairs. "you play?" i ask. "mhm, im in a band." he says while looking down at me, "that's so dope, i've always wanted to be in a band." i mutter as he opens the door to his apartment. "yeah, it's pretty fun." he replies before shutting the door. "you can set you stuff over here by the couch." he says while setting my amp down.

"and your room is over here." he says while leading me to the guest bedroom. "nice, thanks." i smile. "anytime. you can unpack your stuff, i'll be practicing in my room. its next to the bathroom." he says while walking out. "mkay.." i mumble. i unzip my bag and pull out my toiletry bag before walking to the bathroom, setting everything on the counter and setting in the shower.

i grab a pair of grey sweatpants with a black korn hoodie and make my way to the bathroom. i set my clothes on the toilet and turn the shower on. i take off my rings, leaving them on the counter as i strip out of my clothes, stepping into the shower.

i stand in the kitchen, infront of the open fridge  staring at the there is no food. i sigh, "kirk!" i yell over the loud guitar sound. i dont get a response. i walk into his room as he looks up to me from his bed. "kirk." i say, leaning against the doorframe. "hm." he hums, taking the guitar strap off his body. "you literally have no food." i reply.

"you hungry?" he asks, "yeah a little bit.." i respond, seeing him stand up. "there's a chick fil a down the road, wanna go?" he asks. "yeah let me get my shoes on." i say while running to the guest room.

as i slide my high top converse on, he comes into the room. "come on, slow poke." he teases. i stick my tounge out at him, as i finish tying up my shoes. "mkay, let's go."

two metalheadsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz