Chapter 8: Kidnapped

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It's been a couple of weeks that I had Chan and Nick stay beside me at all times along with Felix. I got my stitches removed and I could now walk by myself without crutches. Everyone was getting along with Nick, and we all hung out a lot, today I had to be trained on how to fight just in case. Nick pulls up in his car and honks for Felix, Chan, and I to come out. I wore a white training outfit that showed my stomach and my white shoes with my hair in a high ponytail. Felix didn't like me showing that much skin, but oh well, we get into Nick's car, and he drives to a warehouse, and we all get out. We walk in and there is a whole gym, and lounge area, it was a nice set up. He pulls me to a mat, and he gives me some gloves, he teaches me to throw a proper punch and kicks. After a while he has Chan come to him and he shows me how to throw people over my shoulder.

He throws Chan over his shoulder, and he groans when he hits the ground. After some more intense training I'm sweating, and we take a break while we have some water. Felix sits down beside me, and I see his body start flickering like he is disappearing. He looks at his hand and I look at him, Chan looks over and my eyes start tearing up. "What's happening to you?" I almost cried. "I don't know." He says, holding his head. My phone goes off and I answer it by hearing my mom crying. "Honey, Felix is going into shock, and we need you over at Mrs. Lee house with Chan." My mom says crying. I see Felix's spirit start disappearing. I hang the phone up and start panicking. I drag Chan and Felix with me while Nick follows, and I ask him if he can drive us somewhere.

I hug Felix now wanting to let go of him afraid he would disappear, once we make it there Chan helps Felix into the house. Nick follows us and Mrs. Lee meets us and we follow her into the elevator, and we go down. Once we exit, I see Felix laying on a bed with an IV and a mask over his nose to help him breathe. I rush over and see the monitor while his heart rate drops, and I rush out and say, "What...what do I do." Chan rushes over and we sit down while Mrs. Lee puts an IV in our arms that leads to Felix. Felix on the bed had long brown hair, I looked at Felix the spirit and he held his head with one hand, and he stopped flickering. He rushes over to me and kneels down in front of me seeing tears go down my cheek, he knows he can't touch me right now though.

Nick comes over to me and I start to get tired, so I lay my head on his shoulder and go to sleep. I wake up and see Chan, Felix, and Nick sleeping, so I look around and see Mrs. Lee looked at me. "You remember me, but you don't know my son, so why were you crying?" She asks. I look over at the sleeping Felix and say, "The Felix I know is a spirit I can see, and we grew a relationship. It's the Felix you met with the white hair, your Felix, you knew I was special, but you didn't know why, did you?" I ask. She widens her eyes and I look at the sleeping Felix waking up, he smiles sleepily, and he crawls over to me and lays his head in my lap making himself visible and falls back asleep. I play with Felix's hair and look up at a shocked Mrs. Lee, she looks at Nick and her eyes widen, and she says, "Why did you bring him here? He needs to leave this house." I look at Nick sleeping and furrow my eyebrows and say, "If I'm staying, he is staying until I leave."

Mrs. Lee gets up quickly and rips out Chan and I's IV which makes us both wince in pain. "Leave." She speaks. Nick wakes up and so does Felix, before Felix lets go of me, she comes over and places a hand on Felix's cheek and smiles. She kisses his head, and he smiles, we all leave the house and I hug Felix when we get outside. He hugs me tightly and we all make our way back to my house. Chan and Felix walk upstairs to my room while Nick has to go home so I say bye. I shut the door and get a text from mom to meet her outside, I walk outside with my phone in my hand, and I'm whacked on the head. I drop my phone, and everything goes black.

I wake up tied to a chair with my head hurting like crazy. It's dark so I can't see anything, I look around and try to get my hands untied, but the rope digs into my wrists cutting them and making them bleed so I stop. "Hello?!" I yell. I hear footsteps and then a deep voice that says, "Emily Wattson." A shiver goes down my spine and I look around for the voice and it chuckles. I feel lips on my neck, but these ones are soft. I feel a familiar pair of arms wrapped around me. I couldn't tell who it was though. I see the sunshine through the windows and see we are at the warehouse I trained at. I see two guys with black hoodies on, the guys who attacked me that night were beside me, the one who kissed my neck. The other one with the deep voice was in front of me. "Where is Felix?" The deep voice asked. I shrug my shoulders and he just laughs, he walks up to me and smacks me.

The slap echoed in the warehouse, the boy next to me flinched and I looked over at him. Weird. "Tell me." He demands. I glare at him and say, "You'll have to kill me." The boy next to me looks over and his eyes go wide, and he has a black mask, but I see the green eyes. The guy laughs and nods his head and pulls out a gun and holds it to me. I close my eyes and the gun goes off and I scream in pain as the bullet goes into my leg. "Tell me where he is!" He yells. I cry in pain, and he punches me in the face making me bleed because of his ring. He screams in anger and leaves. I cry and let my head drop, the boy quickly runs to a cabinet and garbs something and comes over to me. He takes tweezers and he grabs my hand and puts it on his shoulder and says, "When it hurts don't scream, just squeeze. I can take it." The voice sounded familiar, but I didn't have time to think because pain shot up my leg while he dug out the bullet in my leg.

I dug my nails into his shoulder probably making him bleed, but he wasn't fazed. He ripped his under black shirt and tied it around the bleeding spot to make it stop bleeding. I cry silently and he looks at me and he covers my eyes to where I can't see. Then all I feel are soft gentle lips on mine. I kiss him back and he stops and probably pulls his mask back up and uncovers my eyes and shushes me. He takes his knife and cuts the rope and says, "Don't move your hands and don't leave this seat until I say." I nod my head and he put everything back and stands beside me.

It's been a week since I've been kidnapped, and this boy has helped me and kissed me multiple times. The guy has tortured me all week, and it's been miserable. The guy walks in and yells, "Okay little girl, last time I'm asking, I'm running out of patience! Where is Felix and his mom!" "I'm not telling you!" I yell back. "That's too bad, I liked you like a daughter or daughter in law." He says and pulls out a gun. He points it at my head and then laughs and says, "Son, come over here." The boy walks over, and the guy says, "You've been close with her, you untied her hands a week ago, patched her up, and kissed her. It's about time to show who you are, take the mask off and I'll take mine off. The boy faces away from me and takes off his mask while his dad takes off his mask revealing that dad is Max Williams. My eyes widen and he tells the boy to turn around, he lowers his head and turns around.

His dad pulls his hood down and grabs his hair and makes him look at me. Tears in my eyes appeared as I saw the boy in front of me who was the son of this monster. The one who stabbed me in my house and tried killing me was Nick Williams. He has guilt in his eyes as a tear slips down my cheek. His dad pushes him away and points the gun at me, I lower my head feeling betrayed and Nick rushes over to me and holds my head up to look at him with his bruised cheek and busted lip from his father. "I'm so sorry Emily," he says. I push Nick away from me as a tear goes down his cheek. His father laughs and now asks, "It hurts, doesn't it Emily? Now where is Felix?" I look up and see he is gone and feel my hands being tied in rope again. I struggle and Max walks in front of me and Nick stands up and walks to his dad. His dad looks at him then at me and holds out the gun to Nick.

Nick looks at the gun with wide eyes, Max said, "Kill her or injure her, she won't talk, and you need to learn to do these things to take over my position one day." He shakes his head no and yells, "I will not do as you say! I love her!" Max looks shocked. "Do as I say!" Max demands. "She's just a girl!" Nick yells. "Fine," Max says. Nick backs up holding his arms out protecting me, Max pulls out a gun and holds it up to Nick who was protecting me. "NO! Please don't hurt him!" I yell. Nick looks back at me and I see his green eyes and the gun goes off making me close my eyes and jump yelling. Nick fell to the ground holding his shoulder and I was so angry. I ripped my hands out of the ropes hurting my wrists, but I didn't care, all I saw was red. I ran towards Max, and he shot, but I dodged like Nick taught me.

When there is a bullet either duck or roll and continue running, when you get to that person with the gun grab it and hit their hand knocking the gun out of their hands. After dodging the bullet, I grab the gun and hit his hand knocking the gun out of his hands and I point it at him. He raises his hands and laughs saying, "You don't have the guts little..." Then I shot the gun and the bullet hit his chest making him fall dead to the ground. "I'm not a little girl." I speak. I ran over to Nick as best as I could with a bullet wound. I dropped to the ground in pain and put pressure on his shoulder, I got his phone from his pocket and called 911 and Chan. "You did good Em." Nick said smiling. I smile while tears go down my cheeks, he says, "I'll be fine stop crying." I laugh and I hear sirens in the distance.

Chan runs in and I point the gun at him not knowing it's him, he stops with his hands up and looks around. I drop the gun and he runs over to me and helps put pressure on Nick's wound. "Where's Felix?" I ask Chan. Chan looks at me and then back at Nick, I look down with tears in my eyes and hear footsteps come to me. I look up and see a boy with longer brown hair, brown eyes, and freckles. "Felix?" I ask. 

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