Chapter 6: Healing

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Just when I'm about to doze off I see Felix walk through the door and over to me, he quickly walks back over to the door and unlocks it for Chan. Chan runs over and looks at Felix while Felix nods his head, Chan gets up and starts talking on the phone. I start getting dizzy, Felix shakes my shoulders and starts yelling for me to stay awake, but it's so hard to keep my eyes open. Chan rushes back over and he says, "I'm sorry Em, but this is the only way to keep you awake until the ambulance gets here." I look at him and he puts his hands on the knife and I begin to shake my head and he pulls it out while I cry in pain. Felix tears his shirt and wraps the piece of cloth around my wound to stop the bleeding.

I'm wide awake and in immense pain, Chan gets up and starts pacing the room while Felix sits beside me playing with my hair to help me forget about the pain. I'm holding his hand and squeezing it, all of a sudden, I hear people rush in from downstairs and footsteps come up the stairs. Felix lets go of my hand disappearing from sight from others, the medics rush over to me and lay me on a stretcher while Chan and Felix follow me onto the ambulance. Police are securing the area of my house and looking for evidence. I end up passing out in the ambulance, and all I see is darkness.

I wake up and see a bright light, I look around and see Chan sleeping beside me. I'm in the room with the windows barred. I get up and walk around the room, but the door opens, and I instantly run back beside Chan. He wakes up immediately, a woman walks in and sits down. She asks us to come over and she looks at my arm that is wrapped from when the bullet skinned me. She opens a box and pulls out stuff to help my wound, Chan holds my hand while she cleans it. She puts a band aid on it and says, "You two are very special, now drink some water and you will be just fine." We drink some water, and everything goes black.

I wake up, opening my eyes slowly, seeing a bright light. I look around and see two boys sleeping with their heads on my bed and holding each of my hands. I wince at my leg and both boys are up immediately, I see Chan has a band aid on his cheek. They look exhausted, I try remembering the woman from my memory and look at Chan, he looks at me and asks, "Another memory?" I nod my head and say, "A woman with brown hair and brown eyes with freckles, do you know who she is since you're getting your memories as well?" Chan shakes his head no and Felix asks, "Okay, what's going on?" We both look at him and I say, "Chan and I have been friends since we were little and so far, all we know is since we've turned eighteen and older, we are getting memories back slowly from when we were captured." Felix nods his head and asks, "Who was that guy? What did he want?" "Well, I know he knows that I can see you and he wants to know where you are." I speak.

"It can't be Max though, right?" Chan asks. I shrug my shoulders and the doctor comes in and says, "Okay, you will need to be on crutches and this wrap for a couple weeks since you have stitches in, your chin is bruised but not broken, and your shoulder has a couple of stitches as well. Take the pain medicine I'm going to give you and you are able to leave today." I thank the doctor and Chan grabs some crutches for me. He leaves, shutting the door to sign papers and grab my crutches from the doctors. Felix holds my hand and says, "I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I was doing something for your birthday and...I'm just so sorry Em." He has tears in his eyes, and he hugs me, and I rub his back comforting him and then say it's okay. Chan comes back when Felix is kissing my forehead. He helps me get adjusted with the crutches and we walk out of the hospital. I see my mom pull in and get out and quickly come to me, she pulls me into a hug, and I wince, so she backs off.

"Honey what happened?" She asks. "Someone chased me around the block and into the house." I say shortening the story, she helps me into the car while Chan and Felix get in. We get to the house and Chan helps me out, we walk in and there is no coffee table anymore, but everything else is cleaned up already. "Honey, my business friend is coming over for dinner tonight so dress nice. Also, she has a son in a coma so be nice and not ask about him, and Chan you are more than welcome to stay for dinner and the night to keep Emily safe." my mom says. I nod my head and we walk upstairs; well Chan helps me while Felix can only watch until we are out of sight from mom. I walk into my room and Chan shuts the door, I see a box on my bed and so I open it and see a card and a white dress. Emily, wear this dress tonight to impress your dear mother if you don't want her to get hurt. I pick up the dress and see it's a simple, but nice short white dress.

I huff and look around and know exactly who it is, the card is ripped out of my hands by Chan and Felix reads it over his shoulder. They both look down at the dress then at me, I grab the dress and walk into the bathroom and slide the dress on. I can't zip it though, so I think of Felix helping me, he appears and asks, "What do you need help with?" He scares me and I almost fall, he catches me with his hand on my bare back making electricity run through me. We stare into each other's eyes, and he helps me stand back up straight and I turn around and move my hair. He gets the hint and zips up the dress slowly and as soon as he zips it, he kisses right above the zipper on my neck, and I gasp. I turn around and he is gone, I open the door and Chan walks to me and asks, "Need help with your hair?" I nod my head and he look at the straightener then at the curling iron. He starts straightening my hair while Felix watches and learns, after we are done with everything with me, we walk downstairs for dinner.

I sit down at the table with Chan and Felix on each side of me, the doorbell soon goes off and I go to get up, but mom says I should stay seated, and she'll get it. The woman walks in, and I see her from my memory, but she has shorter hair now and a little older than before. I look at Chan and he looks at me, I look at the woman and she looks at me and says, "Hello dear, you look stunning tonight." "Thank you." I speak. She smiles and looks at Chan and her smile drops for a second, but she covers it up before my mom sees. "It's been a while before I was in this house." The woman says. My mom smiles and says, "Well I know how hard it can be for you." Felix pokes me and I look over at him and he says, "She looks familiar." Chan looks over at him as well and Felix stares at the woman. "I hope everything is okay with your son." My mom says.

The woman smiles sadly and says, "He is still stable, we just need to find someone to help him." She looks over at me and Chan, so I ask, "You have one son?" The woman nods and my mom frowns at me and Chan asks, "May we see a picture of him?" The woman frowns and says, "I have only a picture of him before he was in a coma." I nod and she shows us the picture.

His name is Felix Lee, and he had an accident and is now in a coma. Chan and I look at the picture with stun on our faces, we then look at Felix and he stands up. He walks over to his mom and tries hugging her, but he can't. He starts crying and I look down, Mrs. Lee says, "He loved singing and playing the guitar as well as dancing. I wish I could talk with him again." I look at Chan and he shakes his head, not saying it was a bad idea. I stand up and put my phone to my ear like I was on the phone and say, "Hey Felix, yeah come on over." I put my phone away and walk with my crutches to the door with Felix and Chan following me.

"This is a bad idea Em." Chan says. I open the door and Felix puts his arm around me while I say, "It's not like she'll know it's her son, he has brown hair and the one with us had white." Chan nods and we walk into the dining room and sit down, Felix keeps his hand on my thigh, so he stays visible. "Hello, Mrs. Wattson, it's nice to see you again." Felix says. She smiles and he looks over at his mom and she looks stunned and says, "You look just like my son." My mom looks at Felix and back at his mom. "Is there any way that Emily could help me this weekend with something?" Mrs. Lee asks my mom. "Of course, she can." My mom says. I smile and I look over at Felix and then at Chan then back at Mrs. Lee who is still smiling.

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