Chapter 3: Guests

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Once we got to my room we entered and shut the door, Felix and I sat down on the bed while everyone looked around the room. "You have a nice and simple room." Says Alex. I nod my head and I lay down on my back trying to relax all the tension in me. Felix sits up against the headboard and pulls me up and in between his legs. My eyes widened and he started massaging my shoulders so I could relax. I relaxed and closed my eyes enjoying this until Matt asked, "So how does this whole ghost thing work?" I open my eyes and say, "Well I can see his stuff and him without us touching each other, I can also touch him and others can see him. That's all we know so far." Matt nods his head and spins in my chair at my desk.

"So how come you and us can feel him?" Alex asks. "Honestly, I don't know yet." I say. Liam turns on the tv and the news turns on and says, Max Williams has escaped prison. Everyone looks over at Felix and he just stares at the tv, Matt and everyone comes over to the bed when Liam immediately turns off the tv. "Who's Max Williams?" I ask. "He's my killer." Felix says. I look at him and he makes a fist to where his knuckles turn white, the lights started flashing so I put my hand over Felix's and it calmed him down. "He shouldn't come to this house again right?" Alex asks. I shrug my shoulders and see everyone looking at me scared out of their minds. All of a sudden rain starts pouring, then lightning and thunder happens. Thunder roars, shaking the house and I jump, scooting back into Felix's arms.

"Kids! Dinner is ready!" Mom hollars. I get up out of bed and grab Felix's hand quickly scared, I've always hated storms. We walked downstairs and sat at the table. I brought Felix's hand down to my thigh so we could use both hands to eat. The lights flicker and we all look up, mom's phone rings and so she picks it up. She hangs up and stands up saying, "Sorry kids, you all can stay here tonight because of the storm. It's going to get worse, but the bad news is I have to go off to work, they need me." I nod my head and she kisses my head and leaves with a raincoat on. Sometimes I worry about her, after I'm finished eating and see everyone else is done I realize Felix's hand on my thigh has comforted me. I got up and grabbed the other empty plates and then washed the dishes, thunder boomed making me jump.

I hear a scratching sound from the window so I look out and see a branch scratching the window, I then see a figure in the window and I turn and see it's just Felix. I put my hand over my heart and let out the breath I've been holding. He rushes over to me and rubs my back, I smile at him and he puts his arm around my shoulder. I walk back into the living room to see everyone passed out watching The Fast and the Furious. I chuckle and cover them all with blankets and then shut off the light. Felix and I walk up the stairs and into my room shutting the door. I walk into the bathroom with Felix's black button up and brush my teeth and hair then slip on the button up shirt.

I walked out to see Felix already had his black sleep pants on, but he was in the middle of putting his black shirt on when I came out. His back was to me so I saw half of his back and he was in front of the mirror staring at me frozen. I looked down and saw his abs and v-line, I did a sharp intake of my breath and held it, but he broke out of it and pulled his shirt all the way on. I let go of the breath I was holding and he turned around and walked to me. I stood there frozen, but he came to me and stopped right in front of me, staring straight into my eyes. I looked away and he grabbed my hand so I looked up at him, he walked backwards pulling me until we hit the bed. He was sitting on the bed and I was straddling him, he leaned in slowly about to kiss me, but when the door burst I fell to the ground hitting my head.

"Hey, can we sleep in here?" Alex asks. I get up off the ground and nod my head yeah. They all rushed in and piled on the floor with pillows and blankets. I touch my head and feel something so I bring my finger in front of my face and see it's blood on my fingers. "Emily! You're bleeding!" Matt yells. I rolled my eyes and Felix touched my shoulders and ushered me to the bathroom. He made me sit on the toilet, but that made me shorter. He stood me up and put his hands on my waist and my eyes widened. He lifted me to sit on the counter and looked for the first aid, once he found it he started cleaning my wound. I wince and he stops, but then continues, he puts a bandaid on my forehead and looks at me. He kisses my forehead making me close my eyes at the gesture. I open my eyes to see him smiling and then putting away the first air kit.

He puts his hands on my waist again and helps me down and asks, "You get too scared easily, don't you?" I give him a sheepish smile and nod my head, we walk out and Matt hugs me worried and looks at my wound. He looks around and then smiles and kisses my forehead where the bandaid is. My eyes grew wide at the gesture and Felix touched my shoulder and made himself visible. He glares at Matt and he holds his hands up in surrender and sits down hugging his pillow. I laugh and Felix wraps his arm around my waist and kisses the side of my head, I gasp and look at him with wide eyes. Alex giggles and Liam smiles, shaking his head and lays down and closes his eyes. Felix ushers me over to the bed and helps me in, he walks over to the other side and slides in.

He scoots close to me and then pulls me to him, he shuts the lights off and snuggles up to me. I smile with my eyes closed and he kisses my nose, and then both my eyes, I eventually fall asleep and see darkness. I can't see anything, someone help me, I can't even speak. I look all around me until I see this house, I see someone in the corner. He stared at me with his brown eyes from the darkness, I walked closer and closer until someone pulled me into a hug. I felt safe like I do when I'm with Felix, I melt into their arms and they kiss my head saying, "Everything will be ok, as long as you're with me." I nod my head and go to look up, but I see nothing. I wake up quickly and look around for the person in the corner, but see no one. I wiggle out of Felix's arms and go to the bathroom.

After I'm done from the bathroom I walk downstairs because I hear the tv, once I get down there, there is no one there. I shut the tv off and walk to the kitchen, I open the fridge to get some water. I grab a water bottle and shut the door, I hear scraping on the window again and look out it to see a man in all black standing across the street. I run upstairs and shut the door locking it and then run over to my window to make sure my window is locked. I run my hands through my hair and scream when I feel someone grab my shoulder. I start crying and they cover my mouth and they turn me around, the person whispers, "It's ok, I'm here. Shhhh." I cry in their arms and they rock me back and forth until I fall asleep.

I wake up to the sun and quickly get up and see everyone still sleeping. It was the weekend so it didn't matter if we had to get up early or not. I sat up and Felix immediately sat up, but he looked so tired. I got up and went to the bathroom, I took a shower, brushed my hair putting it in a low ponytail, and then brushed my teeth. I put on some shorts, a black skin tight cropped spaghetti strap, and a red flannel around my waist. I walked out and saw Felix was already dressed, we woke everyone up and they all got ready for the day as well. I sat on the bed tying my shoelaces, but someone took out my ponytail. I turn and see none other than Felix with my hair tie in his hands, I cross my arms and he smiles showing his teeth. I smiled and ran my fingers through my hair that was now down and wavy.

"Kids! Breakfast!" Mom yells. We all went downstairs to eat breakfast and made sure that Felix was always touching me. After we were done eating we decided to go to the mall and go shopping. I said goodbye to mom and held Felix's hand, but froze when I saw a guy in all black across the street. He pointed at me and I hugged Felix's waist scared, he rubbed my back and asked, "What's wrong?" I looked back at where the person was standing and he was gone, I said, "Like last night I saw a guy in all black." They all look back at me and Felix rubs my back telling me it was ok. We all rode a bus to the mall, we got there and Alex and I split up from the rest of the group.

We went into a store and decided this wasn't a good one, we ran and I bumped into someone. They catch me by my waist and they pull me up close to them, I look into their eyes and see those brown eyes from my dream. "Are you okay?" He asks, looking concerned. I nod my head and Alex runs over to us and says, "Are you okay Emily?" I nod my head smiling and we see the boys standing there. Felix pulls me out of his arms making himself visible, but the boy didn't look affected by it. "Name is Chan." He says stretching his hand out. I grab it and say, "I'm Emily, this is Alex, and this is Felix." He nods his head to the other two and the other comes and finds us. They look shocked at first and then Liam and Chan lock eyes, Liam smiles and hugs Chan saying, "Long time no see cousin."

Cousin?! My eyes widen and Felix keeps me close, not liking Chan for some reason. I stared at Chan, he had brown chocolate eyes, full lips, nice brown hair, he wore black shirt, blue and black flannel jacket, tan pants, and white vans with red. He honestly was cute, but where have I seen him before? "Is it cool if Chan hangs with us?" Liam asks. I nod my head yes and Felix nods his head no and then quickly yes. 

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