You reap what you woe

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Y/n pov: 

Y/n: I hope my parents don't come. 
Enid: Why? I would love to meet them!
Y/n: No you would not. They would probably want to kill you at first sight. 
Enid: Well... speaking of parents... can't wait for my mom to judge me.
Y/n: Oh yeah you have not wolfed out yet 
Enid: Did not have remind me.
Y/n: Sure, you're not adopted?
Enid: That is so rude
Y/n: Sorry. I am sure you will wolf out soon
Enid: I hope so
Y/n: I don't think i ever met Wednesdays parents.
Enid: I saw them. They seem nicer than Wednesday. 
Wednesday: Speaking of my parents? They just arrived.
Enid: Omg hey!
Y/n: Oh i would love to meet them
Wednesday: Never.
Y/n: Oh. i understand.
"Y/n Has Is disappointed but understood. Wednesday notices and says maybe later"
Enid: Oh, i see my family. I guess i am going to go over and say hello. Bye y/n and Wednesday! 
Wednesday: So. Aren't you parents coming?
Y/n: Probably not. They are always busy.
Wednesday: Hm. Oh great here comes my parents. act like you don't know me.
"Y/n Goes to speak but is cut off by Gomez"
Gomez: Hello my little death trap. 
Wednesday: Hello Father. Mother. 
Morticia: So tell us. Who is boy?
Y/n: I am-
Wednesday: Nobody. He is a stranger i want to kill later.
Y/n: What?
Morticia: Are you sure about that? It seems he thinks otherwise.
Y/n: Actually I do. Me and you daughter have been talking. But we nothing more than friends 
Gomez: Good to see My little death trap made a friend.
Pugsley: Wow my sis actually made a friend? 
Wednesday: I had no choice. I needed his help tracking something down
Y/n: Yes.I assume after we find this monster we will go to strangers. 
Wednesday: Correct
Gomez: No need to be so mean. It is good to have friends right?
Morticia: Of course, darling. Anyways sorry to leave all the sudden but we need go to weems office come on Wednesday.
Wednesday: Bye.
"Wednesday and her family leave to go to Weems office and talk. Weems suggest. That the Addams family goes to therapy together for parent week they agree and go. wednesday confronts her parents about her father being a murderer. then storms out after a fight with her mother" 
Y/n: Oh hey enid
Enid: Hello! Where is wednesday?
Y/n: With her family
Enid: Oh do you want to come hang out with my family? I see you family was a no show.
"Y/n goes to say yes till he hears a dark voice saying his name. he turns around and sees his family"
Boian: Long time no see.
Ursule: Agreed.
Y/n: Mom... Dad?
Boian: Hello son. 
Enid: They... are your parents? 
Y/n: Unfortunately, yes. 
Ursule: Don't be so cold.
Boian: Your mother is right. You should be happy to see us?
Y/n: Definitely Not. 
Ursule: Oh come on... We came all this way to see you. 
Boian: Yes show some respect. 
Y/n: If i don't? 
Boian: Just know it won't be a good day. Now come with us we have speaking to do.
"Y/n gives them both dirty looks and they go to the weathervane to speak and have some tea"
Y/n: You could have picked a better place to speak.
Ursule: We want to talk. Not fight
Y/n: How kind. Because want to do anything with you guys 
Boian: I think we could change your mind.
Y/n: You think? You can't. 
Ursule: It is something about your sister.
"Y/n gets interested."
Y/n: What about her? she died two years ago. 
Boian: We may know who killed her. 
Y/n: This is a emotional trap. 
Ursule: Would it kill you not to think the worst of us? 
Y/n: Actually yes
Boian: We think that the killer is somewhere in nevermore. 
Y/n: How is that?
Boian: She was killed by a outcast. Nothing could have done those marks. 
Ursule: And everything leads to nevermore. 
Y/n: I don't believe you. 
Boian: Believe us or don't. Your choices won't be looked. passed. 
Ursule: Yes now come on darling we don't want to miss lunch.
"Once they make it back to nevermore Y/n and his family run into wednesday"
Wednesday: Who are they?
Y/n: Nobody. 
Ursule: Stop the lies. We are his parents. 
Boian: You must be?
Wednesday: Do i need to tell you?
Y/n: No you don't. 
Ursule: Yes, she does.
Wednesday: Wednesday. 
Boian: Sounds like a special name. 
Y/n: Its not now leave her alone. she wants nothing to do with you 
Boian: Shush. You speak to us with respect. 
Wednesday: You have some rare parents. 
Ursule: I think this girl is getting on my bad side.
Y/n: Just leave her alone.
"His dad gives him a killer death stare giving him a warning."
Boian: I don't approve of this girl. Who is she to you?
Wednesday: Stranger.
Y/n: Friend. 
"Y/ns mother can see the past by touching somebody."
Ursule: Lies. You guys are closer than that. Close enough to gets each other's lips Almost.
Y/n: Mother knock it off.
Wednesday: How do you know?
Ursule: I can see the past by touching someone.
Boian: Well. Son i don't approve stay away from her. 
Y/n: No. I Refuse
Boian: What was that?
Y/n: You heard me i refuse. I am tired of listening to you. This is my life
Ursule: Don't you dare talk to your father like that.
Y/n: I have every right to. Both of you need to get out of my life Can't you see i hate you. Mother. Father. "Y/n raises his voice. Boian Smacks y/n"
Boian: Do not talk back to me! 
Ursule: Shameful. We come to see you and you treat us like this?
Boian: Ungrateful. Over some girl seems like you got to comfortable. 
Ursule: Of course, he did. 
"Wednesday looks worried for y/n"
Y/n: Leave. Nevermore does not need a bunch of criminals.
Boian: We did not come here just to see you. we came to find who killed your sister. "Boian and Ursule go to take a sit and eat leaving y/n and Wednesday."
Wednesday: Are you ok?
Y/n: Don't even try. Go away
Wednesday: I am checking on you.
Y/n: Go. I do not want your help. 
Wednesday: Fine. 
"After that the family's sit down to eat. But the sheriff comes walking in to arrest Gomez for a old case"
Y/n: Wednesday? Why is your dad getting arrested?
Wednesday: I think i know. Come with me
"They go to his dorm"
Y/n: So what is this about?
Wednesday: "She pulls out a paper" I think he has been arrested for a old case from years ago when my dad and mother went to nevermore.
"Y/n reads the paper"
Y/n: I don't believe you dad killed him.
Wednesday: I know. Will you.. help me. Try to solve this case?
Y/n: Yes of course.
Wednesday: Ok then. We will need to visit my dad I have questions for him.
Y/n: Ok let's go.
"They go to vist Gomez. He tells them about the fight and how he did kill garret."
Wednesday: I do not believe him. The story sounds possible. But There is something wrong with it.  If i guess right my mom will change the story by a little. 
Y/n: Then go find her.
Wednesday: Well I have a idea of where she is. 
"Wednesday finds her mother and confronts her. Her mother explains that garret and Gomez Had a fight Gomez was fighting for his life Gomez dropped the sword, so she picked up and accidentally stabbed garret. Gomez took the blame for it all. But the case was dropped. Wednesday Thinks that garret was already dying from nightshade poisoning so the two go to find out and dig his grave Wednesday was right till a cop shows up to arrest them wednesday quickly grabs a finger and snaps it they both get taken to jail for the night then y/n shows up"
Y/n: Hello Addams.
Wednesday: What are you doing here?
Y/n: Can i not come to help a friend?
Wednesday: How could you possibly help us right now?
Y/n: You went grave digging? 
Wednesday: Yes What about it?
Y/n: What did you find?
Wednesday: Well he wad dying from nightshade poisoning.
Y/n: And?
Wednesday: Oh yeah. I grabbed a finger for proof. 
Y/n: Perfect give it to me and i can get you all out of here.
Gomez: This kid must be a angel sent from heaven.
Wednesday: Opposite.  "Wednesday hands y/n the finger and he take it to the mayor's office."
Y/n: Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.
Mayor: No its fine. What did you need to talk about?
Y/n: I have proof that garret was not killed by Gomez. He was dying from nightshade poisoning.
Mayor: Proof?
"Y/n Puts a finger on his desk" 
Y/n: That is the proof.
"The mayor looks like he was going to get sicks"
Mayor: "..."
Y/n: So is that enough proof?
Mayor: Y-Yes...
Y/n: weren't you the sheriff when garret got killed?
Mayor: Yes i was what about it?
Y/n: Did you know that he was killed by nightshade poisoning? Did you try to cover it up?
Mayor: Yes i was aware that he was killed by nightshade poisoning. But in order to protect both Jericho and nevermore i lied. 
Y/n: So you covered it up just for that?
Mayor: Yes i did what had to be done to protect.
Y/n: You definitely did not protect the Addams family. What about them?
Mayor: Look i did what had to be done. It does not matter if you don't like my choices.  
Y/n: I don't think Jericho would like that very much. 
Mayor: Fine. what do you want?
Y/n: All chargers dropped. and let them out.
Mayor: Deal.
"After that y/n waits for Gomez outside of the police station with the rest of the Addams family."
Wednesday: Thank you for helping me get my dad out.
Y/n: It was no big deal. Oh look there he is. "Gomez comes out of the police station."
Wednesday: Stay here i am just going go say goodbye. and tell them i gonna go back with you to nevermore."
Y/n: So what did they think of you coming back with me?
Wednesday: Nothing. they didnt ask questions.
Y/n: Really didnt have to come back with me.
Wednesday: It was my choice. I also had to ask you a question. 
Y/n: Go ahead ask away.
Wednesday: Your parents. i am interested in learning more about them.
Y/n: To be honest i dont know much about them. I am not close to my parents they are kind of royal 
Wednesday: If you dont mind what happened to your sister?
Y/n: She was killed. She was meant to go to nevermore she was in the next state over getting ready to come here halfway here she was found dead. But she has marks on her claw marks. 
Wednesday: I see. Do you think it could be the monster we are looking for right now?
Y/n: That was a thought that was in my mind the other day. 
Wednesday: You will get revenge if so.
"Next day"

Y/n pov: 
Enid: You know i did not want to say it Infront of your parents, but they are really scary looking.
Y/n: Best you don't say that infront of my parents. 
Enid: Why?
Y/n: Why must you ask questions?
Enid: Oh sorry! Anyways i am going go spend time with my family!!!
Y/n: Goodbye "Y/n turns around and sees Wednesday."
Y/n: Good way to give me a heart attack
Wednesday: Would love to see that. I might just get a heart attack when he is around wednesday thinks to herself..
 Y/n: So what you up to?
Wednesday: Why is it so that your voice softens when you talk to me?
Y/n: You notice?
Wednesday: I can't read emotions but i am not deaf.
Y/n: Well maybe because i care?
Wednesday: You should know better. Best way to get your heart broken one on one. 
Y/n: You should know better not to be around me on parent weekend.
Wednesday: I can handle myself.
Y/n: No.
Wednesday: Then we are done here.
Y/n:  Agree to disagree. 
Wednesday: Why do you disagree.
Y/n: Actually I need to get going. My parents. need me
"Y/n leaves but is not aware somebody is following him"
Boian: You are late.
Ursule: And why did you let yourself get followed?
Boian: We taught you better. You let yourself get comfortable. 
Y/n: Followed? "He turns around and sees Wednesday."
Boian: We Had to talk about your behavior guess that can include this girl. 
Y/n: So what do you want?
Ursule: First off. You behavior is unacceptable. 
Boian: Yes and this girl. She is like a black cat she will bring you bad luck.
Y/n: Talk about bad luck? I think you guys are the black cats. Its like a nightmare to have you two has a mother and father. 
Ursule: Y/N! Knock it off.
Wednesday: You two sure love speaking to ur son like he is trash.
Boian: You stay out of this. 
Y/n: You know what? Me and Wednesday are leaving. 
Boian: You will regret that.
Y/n: I know. But i will take all the pain. 
"They walk off"
Wednesday: What did you mean?
Y/n: Nothing. 
"The end of parent week"
Wednesday: Well thank you helping me keep my father out of jail.
Y/n: Don't thank me.

Wednesday x y/n (Male)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя