Rev. Matthew: Andy, it sounds like God is saying that you're meant to have these babies. God may have called those babies home, but you're still their mother and will forever be. God gives us love and He gives us hurdles. You're getting thru those hurdles and the Lord has a plan. It involves love, pain, sadness, grief, joy, and happiness. Do you remember what I told you after you're last two miscarriages?

Andy: Yes, you give me two Bible verses and a quote. Rev. Matthew: What was the quote? Andy: You said, "Jesus, I wanted to sit my babies on my lap and tell them about You. As I can't do that now, will You sit them on Your knee and tell them about me?" (While she says the quote, Rev. Matthew goes and gets out two Bibles, and hands one to Andy.) Rev. Matthew: What was the first Bible verse? Andy: It was Luke: 18:16. It said, "But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Rev. Matthew: What was the second one?

Andy: It was 1 Samuel 1:27-28. It said, "I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life, he will be given over to the LORD." And he worshiped the LORD there.

Rev. Matthew: How are you feeling now? Andy: Much better. Thank you for everything and for talking to me. Rev. Matthew: You're welcome. I'm available to talk anytime. I'll even come to you. Andy: Good to know. Rev. Matthew: Are you going to get the babies baptized? Andy: We're not sure, but I want to. Since I started trying to have a baby, I got close to God again. I have so many memories of being in Church when I was young, so, I'm glad to be back. Rev. Matthew: You're welcome to come to church anytime. We miss you around here. Andy: Then, I'm glad I'm staying for Bible Study. Rev. Matthew: Me too.

Eventually, everyone starts arriving for the Bible Study for Women. They were all glad to see her. Andy has a few church friends that have gone thru infertility and are mothers. Their names are Leah and Kristen. When they see her, they're all excited.

Leah: Andy, you're here. Andy: Yeah. I thought I should come tonight. I have some news to share with everyone. Leah: Can we get a hint? Andy: I'm not telling. Kristen: Fine. Rev. Matthew: Today, we have a special guest here. Everybody, you should know Andy. She has some good news. Andy: After eight years and losing eight babies, I have the honor to say that I am pregnant with twins. We don't know the genders yet, but we will this weekend. (Andy shows her belly off and they all clap and say congrats.) Andy: Thank you, guys. I'm just excited to find out the genders of our babies this weekend. Rev. Matthew: You're welcome to do the gender reveal here this weekend. Andy: Thank you. I may take you up on that.

They do the bible study for a couple of hours. Once they leave, Leah and Kristen begin talking with one another. They then all come together and agree that they should throw Andy a surprise gender reveal party. It should be pretty easy since she has most of the stuff.

(While Andy walks out, Rev. Matthew comes up to her.) Rev. Matthew: You'll be joining us this weekend right? Andy: Of course. Rev. Matthew: If needed, we can do a bible study at the house or here. Andy: I'll probably take you up on that. Rev. Matthew: Good. Don't forget to bring Lucas and Robert, because of the gender reveal. Andy: I do. I bought it for both genders and I'm going to give the envelope to the person, so, that way we can do the right genders. Rev. Matthew: I'll see you Sunday. Andy: See you then.

Andy leaves and heads home. When Andy left, she was sad and stressed. However, talking to Rev. Matthew has helped her. When she got home, Robert was confused, because she came home with a smile. He hasn't seen her smile with actual joy and happiness for a while.

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