Chapter One - Welcome

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*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* I groan in annoyance as my alarm goes off, signaling me to get up for my first day in high-school. My name is Jaine, and I'm a extremely short brunette, and finally a freshman. I'm extremely nervous about high school, but I'm sure I'll be fine. My friend Hannah, a tall Junior with glasses, can finally drive now, so she's going to take me to school from now on. So, I get ready and eat some breakfast. As soon as I heard the extremely loud music outside, I knew she was here. I came outside to see a surprisingly nice looking red car blasting Doja Cat. I get into the car behind Hannah, noticing 2 other people in the car. Hannah's brother, whom I guess got his hair permed over summer, was next to me, looking extremely dead inside.
I looked at the person sitting in the passenger seat, to see my cousin Kal sitting there holding Hannah's hand romantically.
"Kal what the hell"
Kal was honestly the last person I expected to see, considering she's supposed to be in California. I was actually wishing it was my crush, Derek, sense Hannah and Derek are suprisingly friends. Derek is a tall, blonde senior I've had a huge crush on sense 6th grade. Why is he so attractive? I couldn't exactly tell you why. While Kal was rambling to me about how amazing Hannah is the whole car ride to school, Hannah said "Oh by the way kids, I'm leaving at 12 to go to work so you guys should probably ask Nicole or Derek for a ride home today" I immediately got red when Derek was mentioned, Hayden looked at me and told his sister we would get a ride with Derek. I hit hayden, and went back to daydreaming. We got to the school, and I saw my friend Tesla walking up to the doors. So, somehow without falling, I immediately get out of the car and run towards her. "Jesus Jaine you scared me" Tesla says trying to breathe. "Sorry Tesla" I respond sarcastically. We catch up with eachother and talk about our summer while walking into the school, when the intercom goes off.
"All students please meet in your first hour class, then head to the gym for an assembly. Thank you."
Tesla and I go to our first hour class, which we happen to have with Derek. So, I was forced to sit next to him in the risers, which we almost held hands. Suddenly, we heard Mr. Reagan speak.

"Hello Students! Welcome to the 2026 school year!"

Kal x Hannah 4 life
Word count: 454
Derek isn't hot but slay ig

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