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Yk my ex should write a book titled:

"How to pretend to be a green flag and the turn out to be a fucking red flag with mommy issues and then proceed to cut off connections with all of your old friends and become a cunt"

Like wow you piece of shit you cut off your fucking best friend who vents that shit to me every fucking day. I hope you realise how much of a shit human being with no fucking emotions.

funny thing  I'm done with you being a toxic friend. Fuck me being you bestfriend, fuck me being your girlfriend cause you never meant that shit. You booked the second you got bored .

Fuck your half assed apology that I thought would take us back to being just friends. But nope you just cut me off why? Cause u felt like it.

You knew it would end up like this. You knew how it ended before me. Why did you start this? You wanted to date first. You told me to not worry about what would happen if we found someone better. This is why I worried. But ig I'm not mad at you for breaking up with me cause one day someone else is gonna get me and they're gonna love me and not make me feel like I'm the only one trying. Trying physically, mentally, emotionally.

Im mad at you for being such a shit friend. You practically left us. Not me. Idrc but left them, you hurt my friends YOUR friends. Oh wait I don't think you'll call them your friend anymore you're probably weirded out by them. Fuck you. You don't hurt my friends you piece of shit. Hope ur dead♡

Ahahaahaha fuck ------. I hope he dies in a ditch. I lowered my standards for this bitch like the audacity. I hope he gets hurt twice as bad as me.

3AM thoughts :)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora