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"We'll put over here for extra classes. They're really good"


"No buts you need to study hard"


Do you ever just want to fuck up your life just because you're sick and tired of not having your opinion voiced.

When they say that I'll get good marks I purposely want to fail just so I can lower their expectations to nothing. But then I remember how that went the last time I tried to pull that stunt.🙃

My father threatened me that if I didn't study hard enough he would change my school to the government one(welfare ones)

Lmao and when I tried saying we lived in a democracy and I have free will they said that while you're under my roof there is no democracy.

Like uhmn bitch excuse your ass whose decision was it to have kids again?? Like I sure as hell wasn't involved in my existence?

Smh the truth is we'll never be free. We're all trapped in this cycle of work and responsibilities.

Raise your hand if you're worried about the future but at the same time, you could give a fuck.

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