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Lmao this all happened in mid June but I forgot an update but basically

Me and her broke up I think idk im confused 🤠 basically she started leaving me on read, barely talked and I noticed that I was always the one who started convos.

Like bro come on if something is wrong with me tell me right?

Even in person im always the one trying to meet her she barely made any efforts to talk to me so im guessing we are off also I saw something about a guy on her ig story

Kuro says she was just experimenting and that she didn't actually like me so guess whose feelings go played with?? Me🥳🥳🥳🥳

Ngl I was pretty upset for 2 days then thx to kuro (the therapist to the therapist friend💗) I got over her now we just say hi to each other sometimes.

Hey if she was playing she missed out on me :) I may not be perfect but im a nice human being .

Anyways i'd say she was a crush idc much don't get me wrong I still find her incredibly pretty but maybe that's the only reason I liked her? I liked her personality once upon a time but she changed and its not just me saying I asked my friends ( who still don't know we broke up) they're saying she's changed too

Anyways fuck that I do have someone I think I like?👀

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