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Do you read some books and some quotes in there just make you go✨✨✨✨✨

Like the sentence in pride and prejudice (without taking in note the character who's saying it.

"You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it"

Like uhmn damn that makes me go😔👌✨

Like pls, that's cute like some kind of m'lady shit damn it makes me imagine a scene in a ball room where the dude asks the girl for a dance like: May I have this dance M'lady?

And while dancing he says that sentence 😔👌✨✨

Oh God, I live in a fucked up fantasy world. This is why I can't get someone to date me🤡

Also, y'all drop some book recs in the comments and I'll tell you whether I've read them or not and my rating and then we can geek out about the books

Drop the Book recs here : ✨🦋🌼 📖

Horror is fine too.

3AM thoughts :)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara