Rubik's Cube

16 2 1

Ayo to everyone who owns a Rubik's cube:

Do y'all really know how to solve that shit or did y'all just buy it to look cool?🤨

For me, I bought it to solve it but I can only solve one side🤡

For the ones that do know how to solve it :

Teach me pls, I need to brag to my sisters that I can solve the entire cube🤠

I tried googling it but google has failed me. And one of my classmates is like really fast(according to me) like he solved the entire thing in 30 secs.

I remember one of my classmates trying to teach me but ig I forgot :p
My cousin can solve it but he lives in New Jersey. Sad.

3AM thoughts :)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora