Stray Cat (part 2)

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"" he tried to smile and look better than he felt, keeping his heavy breath quiet.

"A-are you okay?" The bluenette held a box of pastries under her arm, having barely stepped out her front door.

Marinette hadn't spoken to him much since the gum incident on the first day of school. Her voice was really calming..

"Yeah, I'm fi-..." he collapsed before he could finish his sentence.

"Oh my g- Adrien!?" She dropped the box; croissants spilled out. She rushed to his side, checking for a pulse.

"Hmf..?" He looked up at her. "Ah- sorry, it's--" .. he hesitates, "I'm alright, really."

She looked worried. She could feel her cheeks heating up, but now was not the time to get butterflies. "Are you? Maybe you should rest for today."

Adrien thought about going home to his father..


"Adrien, you can't handle public school. You will be homeschooled again."

"n-No! I'm okay, really." He propped himself up on his arms, only for his arms to fail him.

Marinette rushed to help him up, not giving it another thought. "Here, you can rest at my place until your father comes to get you. I'll let Ms. Mendelev know that you won't be in class today, and I'll get you the homework."

Adrien was surprised, not only at Marinette's strength—nearly carrying him into the bakery—but also at her kindness towards him. It's not like he should be surprised; after all, she's kind to everyone. It's in her nature.

Once he was situated on her living room couch, Marinette made sure Adrien had all that he needed: food, water, comfy pillows, an ice pack for possible injuries and some books for entertainment.

He thanked her, and she rushed off to school.

This.. was nice.

.. or at least it was until Plagg started rummaging around for cheese.

but what the heck.

He decided to rest, just as his good friend had told him to.

It was only for a little while, so he might as well enjoy it.


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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