Missing and taken

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Izuku's POV:

I decided to take the alley way to get to work faster. I heard a lot of noise coming from in front of me and behind me. "You must be izuku Midoria. Eraserheads husband." A raspy voice said. I was complaining about giving him a cough drop. "What do you want" I snapped back. The person in front of me just laughed. "Such a cute little kitty how about we go for a little walk." I was confused but I knew this was bad. I don't know what they are capable of. I don't even know their quirks. I'm fucking scared. "I just want to go to work." I said trying not to sound scared. "A kitten like you doesn't need a job. Come with us and we won't kill your precious husband" I could tell the joy in his words and it was sickening. "Fine" I don't want him getting hurt. I love him too much. I would rather die than someone take is life. The person behind me suddenly injected me with something. It hurt like a bitch and I was trying everything in me not to pass out. But darkness consumed me and I could tell I passed out in that strangers arms.

Shigaraki's POV:

We got the cute kitten now. He's adorable in person. Master told us to get him and tie him up in our basement. He wants the heroes to come and we can kill them one by one while Midoria watches. "He's cute!!" Toga yelled making the kitten wake up. "hm I thought that would last longer. I guess not" I said shrugging my shoulders. When he woke up he saw he was tied and just sighed. "What on your mind kitten?" Dabi said poking his car ear. "eek don't do that!" He yelled. I was surprised he hadn't tried to escape yet. But he will once the pros get here. "We have a meeting let's go." I said walking to the door with Dabi following
Me. I smirked and walked out locking the door. I hope eraserhead sees our little note we left

Aizawa's POV:

"Kitten I'm home" I said walking through the door. He usually waits for me in the living room so he can jump on me and give me kisses. But... He wasn't there. Then I got this awful feeling in my stomach. "Kitten!" I yelled running through the house. I found an envelope on the counter. I don't like this feeling at all. It had my name on it though. Maybe Izuku left me a note? But why would he put it in an envelope and this isn't his handwriting. Nobody could get in because we always leave the doors locked. And he shouldn't be at work because it shift ended an hour ago... I opened the envelope to find a note and some pictures.

Dear, eraserhead

We have your little kitten. He's more cute up close by the way. We sent you pictures to prove we have him. You have 3 days to find us and in those three days we will hurt him until we see your faces. After the third day we will send your kittens head in a pretty box.


I pulled the pictures out and my heart broke in to a million pieces. They have my kitten tied to a chair in a slightly lit room with nothing but wall and floor. He looked knocked out but what will they do if he wakes up again? I don't want to find out.

Coffee_now- we will go and kill the lov

18+- woah what's going on why do you want to kill them?

Chicken._.eater- yeah your not the killing type it must be something big.

Coffee_now- just come to my house now!!

18+- okay okay.

I didn't notice but I had tears running down my cheek as I sat on the couch waiting for them. When I heard the door bell ring I got up and ran to the door opening it. "Woah are you okay!?" Mic said worried. I opened the door and they came in. "I don't think I've ever seen you cry..." Midnight said. I really didn't want to talk because I knew I would break down so I just handed them the note. They read it and midnight covered her mouth, Mic and Hawks was shocked. "We're killing a mother fucker!" They yelled. I was happy they were on my side. I'm actually going to fucking kill them. We held a meeting on the same day because we had no time to lose. I wanted to cry but I knew I couldn't. I gave everyone a copy of the picture and the note.

"I grant permission to kill" Nezu said while sipping tea. I broke down.... I couldn't hold it in anymore. Everyone ran to me and tried to comfort me but I just want my kitten In my arms again... "We will find them before the 3 days are up. Starting now." All Might said. "First we need a plan. All Might you and Midnight go to the last base they were in before we broke In. Aizawa you and Mic check every abandoned building you see. If you see anything call the others and we will all come down there. Wait for us before you go in eraserhead. They want you." Nezu said putting his tea down. Everyone quickly got started. Me and Mic started looking through the city everywhere. We found nothing so far. Nezu told us by midnight we needed to go home. I didn't want to but I can't argue with him and win. So I went home it was a restless night. When I decided to get up it was 9 am. Another note was left on my table. It's obvious that they are using their portals to get in my house. I opened the envelope and cried harder than ever.

Day one eraserhead you better hurry he might not make it to day 3.

I took out the picture to see Izuku pass out with blood flowing out of his body. He had burn marks all over him too. He wasn't wearing shorts in the first picture so they must have changed him. I looked at the other photo to see the burn handprints on his thighs. I swear to God if they raped him they won't be able to say a word. I turned the note and pictures to Nezu and he sent print copies to everyone. I didn't want to cry again. I was so tired and I just wanted my baby with me. I miss him and now he is getting hurt. "Wait! Aizawa you put a tracking device in his bag and told him to keep it just in case!" Mic yelled. "Yeah! And if he was going to work he had that bag!!" Midnight yelled. My eyes widened and I hurried to get my phone out dropping it half way. I pulled out the app and it took us to an abandoned hospital just right out of the city. "I'll call the rest of the pros to meet you there! Go!" I have hope now. I just want him in my arms! I'll save you kitten and I'll make sure nothing happens to you again! I ran as fast as I could. I hope I make it just in time.....

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