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Start from the beginning

"It's been good I get to learn more about this island." I told Armin as I took a bite on my bread. I wanted to find other ways out of here but it would be suicide.

"What about you guys?" I add as I stare at them curiously

"Great" Eren says

"It's alright" Armin says

"What about you?" I ask Mikasa as she was the only one who haven't responded. The poor girl is always around but never speaks. She quickly finished with the food she had in her mouth I could tell I caught her off guard.

"Oh it's been good thanks for asking." Mikasa says as if she didn't know she was apart of the conversation.

"It's ok to talk when you want to you aren't left out after all." I assure Mikasa with a smile. She looks at me and looks back to her food as she began to eat.

"So..how do you feel? you know being away from your friends?" Armin asked this time his voice has shifted to a more of a softer one.

"Must suck not being around them." Eren added as he ate the soup.

"It's a lot knowing that I'm far from them but I'll see them soon I know they'll look for me." I say in response as I drank my water. I'm confident that they'll be there when we see one another again.

We began talking for some time about other stuff and what we wanted to do after all of this was over. As our conversation progressed I felt a weight on my right shoulder. I knew who it was Mikasa.

Her head resting on my shoulder as she listened to everyone. I tried to not move as much as possible so I didn't disturb her.

If I was totally honest I wasn't expecting to have Mikasa's head on my shoulder. I was glad she was able to forgive me after bumping into her that day. I was also glad that she was comfortable being around my presence. Some say she's cold and intimidating but to me she's just a kid who had it hard.


It was night time and we were all going to our rooms but I had went outside to get some air. Doing so I feel some presence follow me. I try to not make it obvious so I just begin to walk outside. As I'm outside I sit on a stairway looking at the stars. The memories of Yelena and Pieck start to come in. How I miss them

Even if I'm far away from them. I would never forget about them. They're everything to me and i wouldn't let anything get between that.

I was never going to let the cadet core find out their identity, not unless if one of their life depend on it. If they found out they'll only make the situation I'm in worse. One of my friends being a Titian shifter that is fighting for the opposite team. While having a girlfriend that is a soldier in the opposite team is like giving a loaded gun to a shooter. I'll be screwed and then what will I have? I couldn't afford losing them I couldn't even afford having them get a description of them.

Time goes by and I hear a few footsteps walk towards my direction. If I couldn't get any peace.

"What are you doing up Cadet?" Said the voice behind me rather cheerfully, it sounded familiar so I turned around only to see Hange. Even in hard times Hange manages to be so cheerful.

"Oh Hey Squad leader Hange." I say in response while shifting my body to their direction. Now I have to address them formally.

"Call me Hange in close doors in the field call me Squad leader Hange." Hange assures me as they fix themselves.

"Sounds good I guess the same to you." I say with a small smile on my face.

"Mind if I join?" Hange asked looking to where i was sitting. I was glad Hange asked now I have someone who enjoys peace. Furthermore i was glad I got along with Hange they understand my situation and they're more open minded then some people here. Like Yelena

"No not at all." I say scooting a bit so they can sit. To which Hange sits next to me while looking at the sky. So they like stars too?

"Do you like the stars?" I ask Hange as I stare at them.

"Yeah I do they're nice to look at after a busy day." Hange says with a small smile as they enjoy the moment.

"I agree" I say in response as I stare at them.

"What brings you outside?" I asked Hange curiously since they're usually cooped up in their laboratory. After all that was Hanges favorite thing to do.

"I was making sure everyone was in their rooms but I didn't see you." Hange answered as they remained there eyes on the sky.

"Was I that obvious?" I asked Hange as I stared around the place.

"I suppose after all you're our newest soldier so it won't be hard to tell if you were missing or not." Hange answers my question now looking at me then at the buildings in front of us.

"If what you said is true and we can find evidence of what you told me I'm sure you'll be one step closer to your friends and we'll be one step closer to end this hell." Hange said bringing the subject up. I could tell that Hange was passionate about this I can't blame them tho who knows how long they've been working on this.

"Let's hope that tomorrow it'll be a step further and not a step back." I told Hange.

"Let's hope." Is all Hange with a small smile.

After our conversation I was sent to my room and Hange went back to their lab. Tomorrow can be a big change for everyone. I was glad I had that conversation with Hange it made my days here less stressful.

I was hoping that they could find any evidence I had told them about. If so I could be much more reliable and I don't have to be stared at with caution every time I walk around the place.

- Piecks pov

The day ended and everyone went to their rooms. I was outside looking at the sky remembering the memories I have. How quick time goes by. If only I cherished it more.

My new friends have helped me cope with the loss of Y/n. I'm not completely sure if she's dead or not but I like to save my headaches and assume that she isn't here with us. It may sound brutal but I won't have to overdue myself.

Her absence has affected Yelena and me but I didn't try to let it get so far. While I was dealing with the challenges as a titan Yelena is desperately looking for answers like a lost puppy.

I don't like to think that I'm selfish of course I don't want her absence to make me as desperate as Yelena. I can't waste my time on things that could happen.

To say the least I didn't let my emotions take over me. I was happy that I wasn't wasting my time in useless things. If all I cared I was happy that Yelena was busting her ass over something that was getting her nowhere it serves her right.

During the mission Annie got caught leaving Reiner and Bertholdt to do the mission they were assigned on. I hate to think that we are villains since the thing we do, but reality is we have no choice. This is how War works I suppose.

One day I hope to see you again and if i see her that means I'll have to see Yelena as well. But I don't need to worry about that for now. I can't keep dreaming I have to do what I was assigned to do. And live enough to at least spend a few hours with Yelena. Our biggest mission is tomorrow.


A/N: Hey guys happy Monday I hope you guys like this chapter. I tried putting some of Piecks pov just so she has more of a character. Hope you guys enjoy it and if u can vote on it.

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