8. suicidal but not really

Start from the beginning


The three teenagers rode their bikes, or well Mike and Dustin rode their bikes, Chris was sitting on the back, to the Sinclairs residence. As they got there, they rung the bell and, as expected, Lucas opened it. He was still pissed about yesterday. You could clearly see that by the look on his face. "What do you want?" he asked blankly. As he scanned the trio with his eyes he sent a little glare towards Chris. Mike kept quiet so Dustin slapped his arm. "I drew first blood, so.." Mike said and reached out his hand. Lucas just looked at it and let them into the house.

He started pacing back and forth, thinking about Mikes offer. 

'damn this dude is a drama queen.'

"Okay, I'll shake." he then said and Mike reached out his hand again for him to shake. "On one condition" he continued. "We forget the weirdos and go straight to the gate." he said. 

'I am still here, i am not invisible'

"Then the deal is off." Mike said and took back his hand. "Fine!" Lucas yelled out. "Fine!" Mike yelled back exactly how he did. "No, no not fine." Chris said and slightly raised her voice. "Yes, not fine. Guys, seriously? Do you even remember what happened on the bloodstone pass?" Dustin agreed and also raised his voice. "I am confused" Fee just mumbled. No one answered his question so he continued "We couldn't agree on what path to take, so we split up the party and those trolls took us out one by one. And it all went to shit. And we were all disabled! So we stick together, no matter what!" Dustin ranted his explanation

'boy, i am gonna need to learn a lot.'

"Yeah, I agree. But this is the party, right here in this room minus weirdo 2." Lucas said. "Okay, first of all, ouch." Chris began "And second, El and Fee are one of us now, or Chris, or whatever." Mike finished off for her. "Um, no they're not. Not even close. Never will be. They are liars, traitors- " "They were just trying to keep us safe!" Mike argued.

Chris went towards Dustin. "Should i be here while they are arguing about el and me?" she asked him. "I mean, it's fine, you can stay." he whispered back and Chris just nodded.

"-And El didn't mean to hurt you. It was an accident. Plus Fee got you out of that knock out pretty fast." Mike went on. "An accident?" Lucas then asked in a 'are-you-serious?' tone. "All right, accident or not.. admit it, it was a little awesome." Dustin then said. He was still very impressed by the girls superpowers. Chris even smiled a little at that.

Although Lucas, didn't find it funny or nice in any way possible "Awesome?" he asked. "Yeah she threw you in the air with her mind!" "I could have been killed" "Okay, just to let it be said: you wouldn't have been killed. Maximum would be a concussion but nothing deadly." Chris chimed in. Lucas send her a glare, again. Mike though, ignored her and went on. "Which is exactly why we need them. They're a weapon" he said.

'a weapon?!'

"a weapon?!" Chris then asked. "Seriously, we are a weapon to you?". Mike turned to her. The face he had, was the face of realisation. The face that says he knows, he fucked up. "Well no-" "So if we wouldn't have these powers you still would let us be in the party?" she cut him off. "You're not in the party!" Lucas said to her. "Shut up! let mike talk" she said with a stern voice.

"Of course we would! I am just saying, that those powers are very helpful in our situation right now and without you we can't make it." he said, choosing his words slowly as to not say something wrong again. "Fine." Chris just said. 

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