Jeff The Killer x fem child reborn reader

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~Before the accident~

Your POV:


"Ugh..shut up.." Quickly slaming my hand over my alarm sweet silence filled the air all I could hear was the birds chirping outside and cars passing near by. 'I almost forgot I have school today..I guess I'll get up before my Dad comes in screaming at me to get up..'

Sluggishly I stand up out of my bed and walk out of my room into the bathroom looking up I see my beaten up tired form. 'I guess staying up last night wasn't exactly the best idea.'

You see I'm just your normal teenager with a sprinkle of insanity. This is my story on how I lost my life to a small mistake I made.
I've never had much problems in life maybe getting bullied and ignored most of it but that's it. Growing up I've learned you should be more kept to yourself so you don't annoy other people now that I'm about 14 I've realized I'm more a shadow than a person.

I've been called stupid names like the Grim  Reaper and other such things. Life Is pretty boring right now though having problems with family and all that isn't fun especially when your getting ignored by them to..

Anyway quickly finishing my business in the bathroom I walk out into my room to get dressed.

Quickly thowing my outfit on I brush my teeth and hair. Now ready I try to prepare for the horrible crowds I'll have to deal with today. 'God if I was ever in the creepypastas universe I'd never survive haha.' Reaching into pocket I pull out my phone to look at the time 7:10 'oh shit I should probably get going.'

"Y/n! Are you awake!?" My dad yelled outside my closed door "Uh yeah I'm awake I'm going right now!.." I said bending down and grabbing my f/c backpack and putting it over my shoulder. "Ok.." my Dad said walking away. Walking out into the cold morning air I look around its oddly quiet too quiet.. Whatever walking down the road I see other kids screaming, laughing and running after each other up ahead. 'I will never understand how they can have that much energy..maybe I lied about it being quiet?'

                         ~Small Time Skip~

Finally it's 5th period..right now I'm in English the only reason I decently like this class is because Miss. Hester doesn't target me just because I'm more reserved than others and I get to listen to music without getting yelled at. As I was staring off into space looking at the white board I hear the principals voice go over the intercom thingy "We are going into a lockdown please lock all doors, windows and stay in your classrooms please." She/ he said in a panicked whispered tone of voice.

Everyone got up and went to one corner of the room. Looking over as I'm sitting on the floor I see two of the preppy girls whispering and giggling to each other. 'Do they realize this could be serious?.. I mean I know this a pretty small and remote little school but still it's not exactly off of the table..'


Quickly jerking my head upward I look out of the window close to me as best as I could.
'What was that?' Hearing the door getting pushed and pulled roughly I look over and hear a guy's rough voice call out "Open the door! I just want to talk!" Looking over to the Teacher I can see her losing her shit. Isn't she going to do something?

She slowly walks in front of the class to act as a sheld. Looking over again I see now the two preppy girls are still talking but no longer giggling like before they are practically on top of each other by his point. Hearing what sounds like wood breaking I look over at the door again and see it being ripped off its hinges from how much force there is on the other side.

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